Quick Question on Fenugreek

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    There seems to be various views/answers on the effects Fenugreek have on ULC Diets. So i figured id post here to see if anyone i supplementing with it? I currently use it in a Creatine HCL/Fenugreek supplement PWO. But on off days I take a dose as well. I've read some studies stating it would actually lower glucose level, and others comparing its effects to Leucine. Can anyone clean this up? Thanks.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah its been discussed before but ask Cory about it. He seems to know how well it works while on CNS.



    How do I find Cory? Im just wondering if its ok to take my off day dose being that it wont be PWO when im taking Whey Iso and Leucine anyway.


    Richard Schmitt

    He's in the CNS member's log


    Richard Schmitt

    Quick search…using the search link…http://athlete.io/forum/index.php?topic=3144

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Quick Question on Fenugreek

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