Question about training in the AM

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    New to CNS: Quick question. Is it best to train on a fasted state? My AM workouts are usually a combo of a 1 mile jog to warm up, stretch, heavy lifting set, and then 30 min steady state cardio.3x a week I'll throw in a HIIT set afetr the heavy lift & before the steady state cardio.Is it okay to do the coffee, coconut oil/butter, and protein shake before workout?Is it different female to male? Thanks in advance for the advice.Ann



    I guess it would depend what time in the morning. I'm usually at the gym at 6.30am, I don't have anything before hand and feel fine throughout the workout, then do a PWO shake of Isolate, leucine and creatine. If I had time to have something before hand I would do a coffee. I'm still working my way through aswell, so I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will be able to help with what to have if your wanting something else before hand. Just thought I'd share what I do. 😀 Why so much steady state cardio?



    I was told it is better to workout fasted. I workout at 430 or 5am.



    As far as I understand it, you should do your AM workout fasted but coffee is ok. Can't remember if that includes coconut oil but it's a definite no go for your shake.Also, you may want to change up your schedule of events, if you can you will get the most benefit from doing HIIT prior to lifting. Afterwards can stunt muscle growth.You also may be able to reduce some of that steady state with HIIT.....unless there is some special event you are working towards. Even then, from my small knowledge, it would be better just to up your HIITs.


    Tiago Nicolau

    In AM just workout fasted with only coffee or caffeine on your system, 🙂



    Thanks everyone. So coffee in the AM. Got it. Would this be the whole coffee with coconut oil and some kerry gold butter? & heavy cream? Or just plain black coffee. I don't think I can stomach plain black coffee. Blech.Some days I do 30min steady state cardio just to get the lactic acid out of my muscles. I'm one of those athletes that muscle just get packed on super easily. So I'm not really shooting for major muscle growth just BF loss. Thanks again.



    As for gym time, sometimes it varies depending on my work day.  My work schedule is all over the place day and late night so it's hard to just nail down an exact workout time, but it's usually 8-10a.



    Plain black coffee from what I was told.


    Plain black coffee from what I was told.

    Yep, when working out in the Morning going totally fasted (No fat, protein, or carbs) is the best way to do it.



    plain is probably best, fats like butter and hwc wont get into your system for a few hours or so, so if you cant stomach the black stuff i guess it couldnt hurt, id defs do black though



    95% of the time my regular time to start training is between 5:30-6:00 AM, I usually down 1-2 cups of cold brewed coffee black. Only day that changes is Saturday when I go between 8-9 AM and I still stick with the same.

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Question about training in the AM

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