Looking fatter because of skin that has to adapt

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    So I lost about 8% bodyfat on CNS (in about 10 weeks). Both 5 point skinfold measurements (expensive dokter version, measured by a dokter), accu measure (cheap 1 point skinfold callipers) and estimates based on measuring waist and neck all confirm the 8% lost. I went from 24% to 16% but I don't look like other people who have a 16% bodyfat. Well I do when you look at my arms, or my legs, but it seems that my belly looks flabby because of lose skin. If a flex my abs, i can feel that there is not that much fat between my skin and my muscles, but the skin is very lose. Anybody else had this problem? And how long did it take before the skin fully adjusted to the new size? I'm 24 years old so i hope it will be quick.



    Im around 165lbs, use to be 285 my friend.And i do not bring good news. Its going to take some time to start tightening up, its been about two years of loosing weight and my skin is just getting to a tight fix. Except when i bend over then its still kinda loose. I used BioOil twice daily for a few months, it seemed to help but not enough to keep spending the money on it. But if you have the money I recommend it.



    I can attest to experiencing the same thing. If you have money, there are expensive technological treatments that help over time, like “Venus Freeze” but other than that it really is just time. Wearing compression shirts may help over time. Keep focusing on leaning out and appearance will improve. Skin quality will only improve as new cells are created and stretched elastin and damaged collagen are rebuilt. Great job on the losses so far btw. 10 weeks is a big accomplishment. Keep strong, it's worth it.

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Looking fatter because of skin that has to adapt

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