Measurements of Creatine, Leucine, Caffeine … CBL

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    So I got some bags of creatine, leucine and caffeine but they did not come with measurement tools. Using measuring utensils, like a tbsp, teaspoon etc…. (I also do not have a scale.) how much is 5g of creatine mono?3g of leucine?200 mg of caffeine?would really appreciate the help guys. I dont want my heart to explode or anything haha.


    Richard Schmitt

    Might be a good idea to invest in a scale.




    True Nutrition has tables on the pages for each of their products that show a conversion of volume to weight.



    Yea i swiped a scale at a local gas station for $20 and its lasted me over two years so far. Still accurate too!



    True nutrition gave me the exact info I needed! Also ordered a 10$ digital scale off amazon. Thanks for the advice guys. As for caffeine tho. would a pinch suffice?


    True nutrition gave me the exact info I needed! Also ordered a 10$ digital scale off amazon. Thanks for the advice guys. As for caffeine tho. would a pinch suffice?

    Be very careful with powdered caffeine. I really don't think people should use powdered caffeine without the proper scale.



    Yea thats measured by the mg which your ganna have a hard time measuring. on my scale a good morning dose comes to like .4 (400mg) why don't you just buy capsules?

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Measurements of Creatine, Leucine, Caffeine … CBL

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