insulin question on Cn

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  • #9421

    After my carbcarbnite, is it ok to have a whey shake at night on my off days? Or will that prevent me losing fat with the lack of other hormones? I take “iso-100 hydrolyzed whey protein. But doesn't whey cause a spike? Also its 50g of protein I please 🙂


    You can, and it might slow fat loss, but it might now.The question would be why?


    Cause I've been stuck at 185lbs ever since I started taking shakes at night..thanks though 🙂


    Cause I've been stuck at 185lbs ever since I started taking shakes at night..thanks though 🙂

    No, I mean why would you take them.


    Just so I can get that little bit extra of protein


    Just so I can get that little bit extra of protein

    You almost surely don't need it. If you are getting .8 to 1g of protein per lbs of LBM you are getting enough. Getting enough fat is in some ways more important. I'd cut the shake.


    Lol thanks for saving me..I was just about to drink one

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insulin question on Cn

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