Drastic weight fluctuation

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    Hello fellow CBL/CN-ers. This question is directed at the guys and I'm asking on behalf of my bf who is growing increasingly frustrated with this issue and I'm wondering what your thoughts are. Up until the past few months, he had been steadily gaining weight after having appendicitis and having surgery for it. He went from 158 when he finally started lifting and using cbl to 179. His goal is to break 180 and then move up into the 200's. Two or three months ago though, his weight started to fluctuate drastically. One day he'd be 174 and the next he'd be 168. And it's been going back and forth between those weights and everywhere in between. He did have to take a week off about four months ago due to a back injury and went down to 175 in that time. He's dabbled with CN to drop fat and is now doing DB CBL but only backloading on days he works out and doing HIIT once a week to help with staying/getting lean. He's also what you would call an ectomorph or “hard gainer.” Does anyone have any idea as to why he's all of a sudden fluctuating so drastically and not able to break out of this 5-6 pound range? And does anyone know what he can do about it? Many thanks to those who took the time to read this. For those wondering, he's currently at 8% body fat using calipers and he eats around 3500 calories on ULC days and 4000 on training/ backloading days and he's 6'1".


    Richard Schmitt

    A healthy metabolism fluctuates within a +/- 5lbs of the actual weight you want or should be at. So it is okay and normal. Don't get hung up on weight or a number on a scale. Use progress pictures, mirrors, clothes, and your own eyes to determine progress.

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Drastic weight fluctuation

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