PWO shake on non-backload days

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    I'm working out 4-5 days a week but only backloading 2 of those nights. How should I alter the PWO shake (if at all) for the days I don't backload. Reduce or eliminate Casein+Leucine, or just make sure to stay ULC?



    Same shake, sans carbs.



    not sure what SANS carbs means but here is my workout + shake scheduleSUN  ( SHAKE + CARBS + BL ) MON ( SHAKE + NO CARBS NO BL ) TUE RESTWED ( SHAKE + CARBS + BL )THUR ( SHAKE NO CARBS NO BL )FRI RESTSAT ( SHAKE CARBS + BL )Hope that helps.



    Sans is a latin (I think) word meaning “without.” You could also just include 20-40g carbs in all your PWO's (provided you work out in evening). Might slow fat loss a little, but as long as you put in the right type of work in the gym, those carbs should all be used up by your muscles in the PWO window.



    good thoughts, Im still at 16% BF so I skip the carbs if I know my next day is rest. I think the point of carbs is to powerup for next-days workout IMHO.



    good thoughts, Im still at 16% BF so I skip the carbs if I know my next day is rest. I think the point of carbs is to powerup for next-days workout IMHO.

    That's the point of the backload. The point of the PWO carbs is to help stop the catabolic signals and give fuel for growth. Was said well in another thread:

    a little bit of dextrose (like 20g) is still VERY beneficial in reverse the muscle breakdown process... which is your main concern with regards to Post-workout shakes.



    I could have sworn Kiefer released new information suggesting that you should skip carbs in the PWO shake if next day is rest. I should have book marked it!


    Richard Schmitt

    Okay in the book even states that the carbs are there to fuel the next day. He had a Tubecasts that mentioned it as well, however backloading PWO is still recommended as Brenden pointed out…



    Found it .

    So the carbs – since you only need them for the next day’s workout – you can actually shift those from post-workout to the next day if you’re training every other day. That’s how this question arose. A lot of people train Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And it didn’t make sense that they’re eating all these carbs after Monday’s training cycle but they don’t need them until Wednesday. So what you can do, in this… a lot of people have been using this this way, is that – you can have carbs Sunday night, train Monday. Monday, you’re just going to create a shape that gives you a huge insulin spike. That’s the hydrolysates again and the leucine, possibly some caffeine… and if you want to experiment with MCT. Then, on Tuesday night – it’s when you’d have your carbs.


    Go Heavy

    Keifer also says that within the first hour, given a proper ass kicking workout was performed, it would be basically impossible due to the body's state pwo to gain any fat what so ever in the first hour after your session.  Whatever carbs in your pwo shake fuel the recovery process though you only need like 30g which is why Keifer even has some of his clients on CNS even eat a ripe banana pwo (on days other than their carb nite) under certain circumstances.



    Keifer also says that within the first hour, given a proper ass kicking workout was performed, it would be basically impossible due to the body's state pwo to gain any fat what so ever in the first hour after your session.  Whatever carbs in your pwo shake fuel the recovery process though you only need like 30g which is why Keifer even has some of his clients on CNS even eat a ripe banana pwo (on days other than their carb nite) under certain circumstances.

    My point exactly.

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PWO shake on non-backload days

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