Brand of nicotine to use…

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    Howdy,I don't mean to sound like an idiot but I read ND a few times through and I believe there is no recommendation for what nicotine gum to use. As I have never smoked I am not very well versed on this shit so I was hoping you dudes could help. Is this one ok?Active ingredient: nicotine polacrilexInactive ingredients: acesulfame potassium, butylated hydroxytoluene, carnauba wax, gum base, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, sorbitol and talc.Cheers guysDavid


    The cheapest one you can find.


    Richard Schmitt

    +1^^^I found Walgreens selling it for $30 a package of 100 gums.


    Peter Hunt

    Personally I go with lozenges, I don't much care for gum base and all the crap in it like talc or butylated hydroxytoluene. However, you have to be careful because a 4mg lozenge actually gives you 4mg of nicotine, unlike gum where you lose about 1mg (so a 2mg piece gives 1mg and a 4mg piece 3mg). I felt really shitty yesterday after trying a whole 4mg one for the first time, dizziness, nausea, light-headedness – the works. Much safer to cut them in to halves or even quarters and take them that way.


    Tracy Jarchow

    Personally I go with lozenges, I don't much care for gum base and all the crap in it like talc or butylated hydroxytoluene. However, you have to be careful because a 4mg lozenge actually gives you 4mg of nicotine, unlike gum where you lose about 1mg (so a 2mg piece gives 1mg and a 4mg piece 3mg). I felt really shitty yesterday after trying a whole 4mg one for the first time, dizziness, nausea, light-headedness - the works. Much safer to cut them in to halves or even quarters and take them that way.

    I did the same thing and had the same result! The lozenges are definitely more potent. Maybe they also release the nicotine faster. I've always been a nicotine sissy as a little of it can jack me up.


    Colin Hall

    Any health risks with nicotine?


    Richard Schmitt

    The report goes in detail about nicotine



    Thanks guys,So am I right in saying, any brand is fine as long as there are no carbs present? Regardless of sweeteners etc...


    Richard Schmitt


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Brand of nicotine to use…

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