My name's Connor, but I'm typically known on the internet as “Ronok” (It's my name spelt backwards with a little alterations for style. It was clever when I was 10, I swear!). I'm 21 and weigh 172 at 14% BF as of now.A little less than two years ago I weighed 240 and was already having some health issues, including astronomically-high blood pressure and severe heart palpitations at just 19. It was bad. Then I started dropping pounds like nothing; no diet changes. It was possibly the beginnings of diabetes, but the doctor's honestly still aren't quite sure.That motivated me though, and a friend of mine got me started with Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution. I voraciously devoured all that I could on the subject of ancestral diet, and ended up dropping my weight to a mere 135 lbs. Eventually I decided that calisthenics could no longer do it for me, and that I had to move on to the next level. I wanted to hit the gym and truly get into some real weight training.From there, that same Paleo friend introduced me to Kiefer's books, which I absolutely ate up. I researched as much as I possibly could, started up at my gym promptly on my 21st birthday, and here I am now. I finally decided to quit lurking and take part in some of this forum's discussion. I'm starting StrongLift's 5x5 tomorrow on CBL SA. I'm stoked.