Liquid chalk

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    Anyone ever use liquid chalk? I can't deadlift without chalk and my gym doesn't frown on chalk use but the owner isn't exactly happy either. I just ordered some and hoping it comes in time before Monday the next time I deadlift. Anyone have any experience with it?


    Richard Schmitt

    Yep and works wonders!


    Yep and works wonders! ordered the 1.5 oz for now just to make sure the stuff was legit. Really looking forward to trying it out. Next order I will get the 8oz size. Looks like you only need a dime size worth for pulling.


    Richard Schmitt

    Exactly. I have both powder and liquid, but prefer to have liquid because of the same issue with the gym being “difficult”


    Lesli Bortz

    It's awesome.


    Gotta get me some too. Thanks for the link.



    Just don't use anything and consider it extra grip training. 😛



    Thats kind of what I was thinking last time I did deadlifts… “Gosh, I need one of hand grippers to strengthen my hands..” I didn't think about just buying chalk. … I wonder if flour or corn starch would work o_o I can hear my husband now “Did you cook with my weights????”



    Thats kind of what I was thinking last time I did deadlifts... "Gosh, I need one of hand grippers to strengthen my hands.." I didn't think about just buying chalk. ... I wonder if flour or corn starch would work o_o I can hear my husband now "Did you cook with my weights????"

    It certainly would not work. Picture what happens when you mix corn starch with a little bit of water. Now replace water with hand sweat. SLIPPERY! haIf you find yourself chalkless, and your grip strength is limiting your pulling ability, you could always hook grip.


    Used this stuff Saturday for the first time and it was awesome. I put a dime worth on both hands and it lasted the entire workout. Looking forward to how it will do today for deadlifts.



    Yep and works wonders! ordered the 1.5 oz for now just to make sure the stuff was legit. Really looking forward to trying it out. Next order I will get the 8oz size. Looks like you only need a dime size worth for pulling.

    Never used that kind before.  Back when I had to lift in a gym that didn't allow chalk I tried some other brand and it worked okay as long as my hands were completely dry...other than that, it was alcohol based, so God help if I ripped a callus or something.


    Tony Snow

    Gotta get me some too. Thanks for the link.

    Uh, yeah, just checked out your feature, and you are my new role model!!!  Great transformation...and like you, I look for fitness models that are my height and use them as motivation!  My current fitness icon is Elliot Hulse, he is about my height and weight (except his is a hell of a lot more muscle) and what I aspire to look like...sorry to hijack the thread, but had to commend you...

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Liquid chalk

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