3 workout routines – which one?

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    So I'm still confused on which program to do and stick too. I keep chopping and changing and I just want to stick to one. Stats – 183cm, male, 184lb, cbl SA, bf 12%. I'm really looking to get burn fat, get ripped abs and build solid lean muscle. I want a lot of definition. It's between strong lifts 5x5Heavy dutyOr my own personal program mixed with some other program's - Zyzz workout/GVT 3 sets of 10Monday - Back10x10 Lat Pulldowns 57 Deadlifts smith 40 each side Bent Over Rows smith 20 each side Dumbell Rows 24 Cable row 57Close grip pull down 57Tuesday - Chest/bi10x10 bench press smith- 20kg incline Bench Press smith 15kg Incline Flies 10kg cable rows 10 each side Chest Dips until failure10x10 preacher Curls 5 eachside barbell Curls 17.5Wednesday - legs10x10Leg press 60each side Squats smith 25Glute kickback 70Leg  Extensions till failure 55 Leg Curls 53Thursday - shoulders/tri10x10Db Shoulder Press Upright Rows 25 supersetted with Lateral Raises 8 front raises 12Lying Rear Delt Raises 8 Close-Grip Bench Press 2010x10 Pulldowns 20Tricep extensions 24.5Let me know what you think. Thanks.



    I've relatively new to weight training. Been on and for about 6 months but now back full time with full focus



    If you're truly new to weight training, the program really won't matter a whole lot. The biggest key to results will just be sticking with SOMETHING. Pick whichever one you find the most enjoyable and stick with it for a couple months



    So I'm still confused on which program to do and stick too. I keep chopping and changing and I just want to stick to one. Stats - 183cm, male, 184lb, cbl SA, bf 12%. I'm really looking to get burn fat, get ripped abs and build solid lean muscle. I want a lot of definition. It's between strong lifts 5x5Heavy dutyOr my own personal program mixed with some other program's - Zyzz workout/GVT 3 sets of 10Monday - Back10x10 Lat Pulldowns 57 Deadlifts smith 40 each side Bent Over Rows smith 20 each side Dumbell Rows 24 Cable row 57Close grip pull down 57Tuesday - Chest/bi10x10 bench press smith- 20kg incline Bench Press smith 15kg Incline Flies 10kg cable rows 10 each side Chest Dips until failure10x10 preacher Curls 5 eachside barbell Curls 17.5Wednesday - legs10x10Leg press 60each side Squats smith 25Glute kickback 70Leg  Extensions till failure 55 Leg Curls 53Thursday - shoulders/tri10x10Db Shoulder Press Upright Rows 25 supersetted with Lateral Raises 8 front raises 12Lying Rear Delt Raises 8 Close-Grip Bench Press 2010x10 Pulldowns 20Tricep extensions 24.5Let me know what you think. Thanks.

    Questions how are you back loading ?My Journey started 5/13 CNS now starting CBL




    Backloading after each workout – immediately having a ripe banana then about an hour later ill ingest 180-200g white rice



    Go on the 5×5 for 6mths-1yr. Eat at a caloric surplus to build some solid muscle, then if you want to lean out after that you can go on a cut.



    Thanks for the feedback – I'm doing cbl sa, would it be better to backload on the days before I train? I train at 4pm.E.g Monday - trainTuesday - BL Wednesday - trainThursday - BLFriday - trainSaturday - ulcSunday - BLOr BL onto aiming days?



    Backload PWO.


    Richard Schmitt

    Backload PWO.

    +1 Use said carbs to build.


    David M Pope

    ???  *takes moment to think about height in centimeters combined with weight in pounds*What TCB says is true--gains will come no matter your program of choice.  That said, I'm a huge proponent of 5x5.  Do that until you stall then switch to something like Texas Method, 5/3/1, or something BB focused..  Focus on quality over quantity.


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3 workout routines – which one?

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