Interesting bit on copper/zinc intake on low carb diets

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    Participant this is a case study of a guy who happened to have gastric bypass surgery. However, a few years later he develops a hernia, become anemic and neutropenic (loss or red and white blood cells).The reason being is because of the mineral and vitamin supplements his doctors had him on to help with the healing process. Turned out he was taking extra vitamin A and Zinc.They learned that excess zinc caused the bulk of his problems.So basically zinc and copper both share an ionic channel, where zinc has higher precedence than copper. If zinc and copper are on balanced levels, then an equal share between the two will be accepted into the channel, but if there is an over abundance of zinc, then you will have less copper going into your system. "Intake and absorption" are both part of the equation here.How does this relate to low carb dieters? Especially for diets going to 0 carbs?It's because we eat the muscles and the fats of animals. Because of this being our main source, our zinc levels go through the roof. Especially if we eat green leafs made for cooking, containing high amounts of zinc.This is comparable to our ancestors who did not only eat the muscles, but the whole shebang, including the organs.It was offered as advice in the article to eat liver once in a while because of the enrichment of copper that it has. Looking online, I found that foods containing copper include: oysters, sesame seeds, dark chocolate, nuts (cashews containing the most), lobster and calamari, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.



    i have always heard to supplement with copper if you were taking high amounts of zinc for any decent period of time.. many zinc supplements have copper in them because of this



    As a registered nurse, I've definitely seen this interplay in people's labs. Great article/read.



    Neat article, definitely some food for thought, more shellfish it is! Not a huge liver fan but maybe I just suck at cooking it.



    We don't need to go crazy with it.. it a normal recommended ratio is 12:1 or 8:1 ratio. Outside of that range we might experience some side effects. I incorporate two meals in my day. Seafood, and I take my cashews at night. Like 10-15 pieces..


    Brandon D Christ

    My zinc supp has copper in it. 



    My zinc supp has copper in it.

    As does mine. Though I do wonder if its enough at times. I am a heavy red meat eater as well and really never eaten or been a fan off shell fish.

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Interesting bit on copper/zinc intake on low carb diets

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