Am I not giving enough time between carbnites?

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    I started CN about 3 weeks ago, I thought I had read you can eat carbs every 4 days, I was previously doing CBL, I am rereading and am I eating my carbs too frequently? seems like I'm doing something in between CBL and CNS but people have noticed a huge fat loss on me, should I keep doing this or try and go 5-6 no carb



    Baseline is one every 7 days.More frequent than that are tweaks people make..But if you're making progress toward your goals, who cares what you "should be" doing? Keep on until the wheels fall off, I'd say.



    that's what I figure, i'm just a perfectionist and like to get the most from my results, I was used to being 8 percent bodyfat then gained too much fat doing CBL, can't wait to shred up asap



    I do ULC for four days, then my 5th night is carb nite. I had though that's what I read in the book and I've just been sticking with that since it's been working for me. It all depends on your body and what works for you 🙂

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Am I not giving enough time between carbnites?

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