Trouble adjusting carb nite diet

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    I am on my second week of carb nite after the reorientation phase. Body is feeling smaller…dropping weight and feeling good about my my macros. I consistently stay between 15-20g of carbs, I eat about 125g of protein and 100g of fat each day. Problem is I feel nauseous and somewhat averse to eating. The foods are so rich. I've cut out the whey shake, which was making me want to puke, but Im never hungry. I'm also still tired. Pre-carb nite I swam a 3 mile race and backpacked for 50 miles about a month ago. Now I feel winded from picking up grocery bags. Is this normal for the first month…will I adjust to the food or do I need to change something?



    Of course you need time to adjust. But I think the main reason for your fatigue is the lack of fats. Try to get the fat to protein ratio up to atleast 1:1. Fat now is your primary source of energy. I for example rarely have more than 100g protein a day and shooting for roughly 2500 kcal per day. Also what kind of fats do you eat? Try to get as much animal fats as possible. Also MCT is great.



    I am on my second week of carb nite after the reorientation phase. Body is feeling smaller...dropping weight and feeling good about my my macros. I consistently stay between 15-20g of carbs, I eat about 125g of protein and 100g of fat each day. Problem is I feel nauseous and somewhat averse to eating. The foods are so rich. I've cut out the whey shake, which was making me want to puke, but Im never hungry. I'm also still tired. Pre-carb nite I swam a 3 mile race and backpacked for 50 miles about a month ago. Now I feel winded from picking up grocery bags. Is this normal for the first month...will I adjust to the food or do I need to change something?

    What about your vitals?



    I weigh 154, and don't have a body fat % right now… i need to get that done soon. Started CNS at 160.I have 2 tbsp of MCT oil plus 1 Tbsp butter every morning with coffee. Then around 10 I eat eggs and bacon or sausage. According to my fit tracker I eat about 70% saturated fats each day. Usually cheese, eggs, grass fed beef, bacon, butter, ham etc. I eat some avacado, a very small handful of almonds. I feel like I'm eating a lot of fat. I'm never hungry...pretty low energy.



    I weigh 154, and don't have a body fat % right now... i need to get that done soon. Started CNS at 160.I have 2 tbsp of MCT oil plus 1 Tbsp butter every morning with coffee. Then around 10 I eat eggs and bacon or sausage. According to my fit tracker I eat about 70% saturated fats each day. Usually cheese, eggs, grass fed beef, bacon, butter, ham etc. I eat some avacado, a very small handful of almonds. I feel like I'm eating a lot of fat. I'm never hungry...pretty low energy.

    Your macros actually don't look terrible. Maybe a LITTLE lower than necessary. How many meals a day are you eating? Especially cuz you said you aren't feeling hungry you could try doing the coffee in the AM, then around noon have a meal of like 50-60g protein and 40-50g fat, then the remainder of your macros for dinner at like 6, and maybe a small snack before bed. Basically do fewer, but larger meals while trying to make the evening meals larger.But you may also have it nailed; it could just be adaptation. You aren't very far into the program, yet, so you could still be adapting to things. Have you ever eaten low carb before? If not, it's likely just your body taking it's time.EDIT: Also make sure you're getting enough food on your carb nites. In addition to your normal ULC macros, add your carbs on top of that!


    Peter Hunt

    It could also be that you're eating the wrong types of fat. Your primary source should be saturated, such as grass-fed butter, coconut oil and MCT. Monounsaturated is fine in moderation, and polyunsaturated (in particular omega 6) should be avoided as much as possible.



    Thanks for the tips! I will work on more consistency in my meals and upping the fat. I do eat mostly saturated, and then monosaturated. Is there something I can do pre-work out to help me with my energy? All I do is lift for an hour 2x's a week, no HIIT right now. One day is right before carb night and one day is 2 days after carb nite. But I feel weak as hell.



    Thanks for the tips! I will work on more consistency in my meals and upping the fat. I do eat mostly saturated, and then monosaturated. Is there something I can do pre-work out to help me with my energy? All I do is lift for an hour 2x's a week, no HIIT right now. One day is right before carb night and one day is 2 days after carb nite. But I feel weak as hell.

    Caffeine + MCT oil about 30 min pre workout will give you a lil boost of energy



    And dont do HIIT exept for the day after your carb nite to wipe out the glycogen. Better lift 3 or 4 times a week. HIIT on your carb nite is a total waste. Better train your weakest body part an begin your carb nite right after training. This will give muscle growth an extra boost. For pre workout just use creatine, 10g whey isolate, 2tbsp MCT oil, 400-800mg of caffeine and youre ready to rumble!

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Trouble adjusting carb nite diet

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