finding a coach

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    I have worked personally with Kiefer in the past, and I'm wondering if there's any way to get into contact with a coach who is familiar with his protocols?


    Damon Amato

    I think we're all at least a little familiar with his work. What/where are you looking specifically?---I am here:



    Looking for someone who does online coaching based around CN/CBL. I tend to do a lot better with my nutrition when I'm just following a specific plan that's made for me and I don't have to think.


    Damon Amato

    if you buy the book, there are quite a few sample meal plans in it.  Otherwise I'm sure you'd find enough help or tweaking on the forums.



    Not sure why you wouldn't just work with Kiefer himself…..Brian Carrol does CBL himself and offers online training from


    Naomi Most

    Not sure why you wouldn't just work with Kiefer himself.....Brian Carrol does CBL himself and offers online training from

    Kiefer can be hard to nail down, time-wise.  He gets a LOT of requests for training (I know, because I see all of them).  So that would be the reason.Brian Carroll would definitely be of help, but I don't know what his time is like.In the very near future we're looking at certifying trainers to coach people on Kiefer's protocols.  Stay tuned for more on that...


    Damon Amato

    Not sure why you wouldn't just work with Kiefer himself.....Brian Carrol does CBL himself and offers online training from

    Kiefer can be hard to nail down, time-wise.  He gets a LOT of requests for training (I know, because I see all of them).  So that would be the reason.Brian Carroll would definitely be of help, but I don't know what his time is like.In the very near future we're looking at certifying trainers to coach people on Kiefer's protocols.  Stay tuned for more on that...



    Alex Fergus


    Seeking optimal health & performance for myself & others at:
    Alex Fergus Coaching -



    I'm curious about the goals you are seeking here, are you talking dietary protocols or training? What background do you have in training? Could you provide some information here, so i can get a feel for what you are looking for exactly?



    I was looking for Both, I am a powerlifter and lately my training has sucked so I was looking for guidance. Nutritionally, I just like to have an objective opinion as to where I'm going and some guidanceI got in contact with Brian Carroll, we will be working together.


    Kevin rogers

    I was wondering about the trainer certification on Kiefers protocols.Any snippets or sneak previews on what it might entail?  😀


    Naomi Most

    I was wondering about the trainer certification on Kiefers protocols.Any snippets or sneak previews on what it might entail?  😀

    Thanks for the interest everybody.Snippets or sneak previews?  Not exactly, just a notebook full of ideas at the moment!  Right now we're working through the issue of what we would consider adequate demonstration of the principles I actually think forum moderation could play a large role in demonstration of knowledge.  We can't just throw up some kind of bullshit multiple choice quiz.Speaking of, anybody interested in becoming a moderator, send me a PM...

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finding a coach

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