1 arm 1/2 dumbbell upright row

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  • #93044

    Brandon D Christ

    Hang snatches are also awesome for traps as well, something I got from reading Jim Wendler.

    Agreed, or reeves deadlits, but these are both very advanced movements. Some people dont know what a 1/2 1 arm upright DB row is! We can't expect them to know how to snatch properly while activating their traps.

    Correctly, yes, but I am of the opinion that unless you are an Olympic lifter you don't really need to the Olympic lifts in perfect form.  Just don't do what cross fitters do and do 20 reps of a movement that is supposed to be 3-5 reps. 



    Hang snatches are also awesome for traps as well, something I got from reading Jim Wendler.

    Agreed, or reeves deadlits, but these are both very advanced movements. Some people dont know what a 1/2 1 arm upright DB row is! We can't expect them to know how to snatch properly while activating their traps.

    Correctly, yes, but I am of the opinion that unless you are an Olympic lifter you don't really need to the Olympic lifts in perfect form.  Just don't do what cross fitters do and do 20 reps of a movement that is supposed to be 3-5 reps.




    A upright row is a totally different movement though, it's not a back movement. You are trying to hit delts with it, not lats, not rhoms, not traps (although many people pull them in)Kiefer recommends only pulling it up to nipple left to protect shoulder. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auXZ45HYoz8&feature=plcp

    Awesome link, clears a lot up. What the purpose of turning your head to the side? Does this disengage the traps?Thanks!

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1 arm 1/2 dumbbell upright row

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