1 Year Anniversary

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  • #6299


    One year ago today, I began the ten day reorientation phase. Thank you Kiefer. These nutrition plans, CNS and CBL, together with ShockWave have taken me from 172 lbs and 22% body fat at 5'9″ to being able to almost effortlessly maintain 165 lbs and 12-14% body fat at 39 years of age. I am faster, stronger, healthier, and in better shape today than a year ago. To say Dangerously Hardcore has changed my life would be an understatement.Me this morning.



    Woohoo!! That will be me in 6 months time 🙂Are you totally happy with your body now? Any goals going forward, or just planning to maintain?


    Richard Schmitt

    That's amazing progress and glad to have you apart of DH sir!That's all with SW??



    Nice job, thanks for sharing your results, how encouraging.  Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2


    Great work!Have you been keeping a log? Would be interested on how you used both protocols



    I showed my mum this photo (trying to convert her to CNS) and she's like, Nice triceps!I have a long way to go with educating her in fitness & nutrition 😉



    I showed my mum this photo (trying to convert her to CNS) and she's like, Nice triceps!I have a long way to go with educating her in fitness & nutrition 😉

    Bwahaha, maybe her mind went blank..  >:DSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2


    One year ago today, I began the ten day reorientation phase. Thank you Kiefer. These nutrition plans, CNS and CBL, together with ShockWave have taken me from 172 lbs and 22% body fat at 5'9" to being able to almost effortlessly maintain 165 lbs and 12-14% body fat at 39 years of age. I am faster, stronger, healthier, and in better shape today than a year ago. To say Dangerously Hardcore has changed my life would be an understatement.Me this morning.

    I am right there with you.  DH is amazing, and the diets will forever be my arsenal.As a BB'er, I've tried it all... the DH diets are logical, researched and work w/o ridiculous and detrimental physique side-effects (like muscle loss)!Good work, dude!Cory



    Very motivational and great progress man. Glad to hear your reaching your goals!



    I showed my mum this photo (trying to convert her to CNS) and she's like, Nice triceps!I have a long way to go with educating her in fitness & nutrition 😉

    Bwahaha, maybe her mind went blank..  >:DSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2

    Hehe 😉



    That's awesome man, great job!  I look forward to seeing how much I've changed in another 6 months.



    @Fairy I would like to get to single digit body fat and learn to Olympic lift. I start with a trainer once a week tomorrow.



    @Fairy I am very happy. Thank you



    @big pretty much all ShockWave. I have modified it bit but I am in and out of the gym in less than hour.



    @avo I have kept a so-so log. I started out w/CNS and got my body fat and weight down and then used CBL to recomposition my body. I was only on CNS for a few months and use it intermittently of shed fat. Now, I am trying to grow. I do not cheat except for a few drinks now and then. If I want carbs, I lift. About the only place I deviate is in the amount of fat I take compared to protein. It has been recommended to be 1:1 in grams but my digestive system can't take it. But I try to eat as much as I can. I eat a ton of beef, salmon, bacon, and sausage. My first meal is around lunch and consists of a salad and about .75-1 pound of meat. A bacon or sausage snack. A regular dinner with at least .5 pounds of meat. A small desert, a cookie, donut, or scoop of ice cream. And a pint glass of rice Chex right before bed. I drink 64 ounces of caffeinated green tea before lunch and 64 ounces of decaf green tea after lunch. I do a modified Shockwave 5 days a week in the afternoon. I am in and out of the gym in less than hour. I always wear a heart rate monitor and make sure to get my HR down before beginning the next set.  I drink two scoops of Crave before lifting. My PWO shake consists of two scoops of Isopure Protein, one scoop of ON's creatine, one scoop of Serious Nutrition Solutions leucine, and 40-50 grams of Now dextrose. If I am CNS, no dextrose. I walk 30 minutes at a time first thing in the morning, fasted three days a week. I do HIIT twice a week in the morning fasted on a treadmill. My interval changes with my goal. Right now, I am running at a 5:00 minute mile pace for 1:30 and walking for 4:00. I will be at 2:4 in about a month. I do 6 intervals. After HIIT, I have a shake with one scoop of protein, one scoop of creatine, and one scoop of leucine. And I do yoga for an hour on Saturday mornings. I recently started using Bioforce HRV and have yet to overtrain into the red. But I do usually get 8 hours of sleep. Pretty simple, I just do what Kiefer has told us to do.

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1 Year Anniversary

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