10 day prep phase question

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    Matthew Cook

    Question for experienced CBLers..I haven’t started the prep phase yet and I am wondering if I need to complete the entire 10 days. Currently I am eating around ~70g of usable carbs per day, 40g of which are post workout dextrose/maltodextrix or waxy maize. So outside of my PWO shake I am eating around 30g of carbs/day and they are all from miscellaneous sources i.e. protein powder, a few grams from veggies, eggs and egg whites, avocado, nuts, pomegranate/acai/maca powders, etc.

    I know that a carb is a carb (with the exception of fiber) but I am wondering if my body will clear out glycogen stores faster than 10 days since I am already eating so few carbs. Thanks in advance!


    Richard Schmitt

    You don’t have high glycemic carbs at all while ULC, especially the 10 days. So mix the carbs in the shake, and you’re good.


    Matthew Cook

    So cut out the high GI carbs in my PWO shake for 10 days and then eat normally (which includes the 30g of miscellaneous carbs)? And this will serve as my 10 day prep? I thought we were supposed to get as close to 0g of usable carbs as possible for the 10 day prep?


    Richard Schmitt

    Yes take it out until your CN or Backload. You’re supposed to get less than 30g of usable carbs from fibrous veggies like spinach, broccoli, etc.


    Matthew Cook

    Thank you. I will still probably do a few days of 0g of usable carbs to ensure muscle glycogen depletion

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10 day prep phase question

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