1:1 Clarity

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  • #185800

    Brandon D Christ

    I played around a lot with different tweaks of CN to lean out below 10% BF.  I got far better results from doing a carb nite every 5 days then eventually every 4 days, than trying to make two carb nites a week work.  I got much better results backloading my carb nites than doing them on an off day. If you try to to two carb nites a week, I feel like they have to be backloaded.

    You pretty much did what you were supposed to, have a Carb Nite every 4 days and having them after a workout is recommended.

    Wondering if i could get your advise "ibobland8". Switching from every 7 days to 5, obviously my CN will be a little lighter. But since my last CN, of the 5 days, 2 of them were weekend days where I did very little activity. No gym time at all. Should I go a couple more days since ill be training through the week?

    You mean you want to delay your CN so you have it on a training day?



    No today is a training day, in fact Ill be doing one in the morning, than one at night (before i would start my CN) My concern is that two of the days since my last CN have been non-training days. But still ULC of course. So im wondering if i should hold off so there is more training days in between my Carb Nites.


    Brandon D Christ

    No today is a training day, in fact Ill be doing one in the morning, than one at night (before i would start my CN) My concern is that two of the days since my last CN have been non-training days. But still ULC of course. So im wondering if i should hold off so there is more training days in between my Carb Nites.

    That shouldn't matter, I would still have it.



    Alright, thanks for the input. Very appreciated.

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1:1 Clarity

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