1:1 Ratio…

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    DH,I assume the 1:1 ratio of fat to protein is to ensure that fat is the dominant macro during ULC times. If fat is still calorically dominant, how important is this ratio?



    The ratio is 1:1 in grams, not calories. If you are going to err, it should be more grams of fat than grams of protein. Do not worry about the calories.



    65% Of carbs = Fat 35% = Protein If thats easier


    Lasse Elsbak

    65% Of calories = Fat 35% = Protein If thats easier

    fixed 🙂



    thanks man…i was half asleep



    The ratio is 1:1 in grams, not calories. If you are going to err, it should be more grams of fat than grams of protein. Do not worry about the calories.

    So, i got it 1:1 by grams for fat:protein, but don't worry about calories.  So my question would be, are any of the values in the table in appendix d worth referencing?  Are the protein values a good starting point or is there some other specific guidance, like get in half of your daily protein during the ULC portion of the day?



    I am not sure about Appendix D. You need about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, giver or take. I think the book says .8 to 1.2 or something like that. It is just easier to use 1 gram to approximate. However, you are not really supposed to count calories/grams on these nutrition plans (I hate the word diet). Though there is a time and a place for that if you not getting results, which means you are probably eating something you are not supposed to but did not realize it–e.g., hidden carbs or sugar alcohols. As for timing, the simple rule is do not eat until lunch, then eat until bedtime (lunch, snack, PWO shake, dinner, backload, etc).

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1:1 Ratio…

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