1+1=an awesome 2

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    I am eating a swiss roll the size of my face while watching Arnold give the Predator the business. Its a nice night….u mirin?


    David Margittai

    Mirin' long and hard, my friend.


    Mirin' long and hard, my friend.

    Hopefully not too hard... the long part is more your own business.  ;DCory



    Mirin' long and hard, my friend.

    lol, I have seen this movie at least 25 times (not exaggerating) and I can still get into it. Was far ahead of its time.


    Mirin' long and hard, my friend.

    lol, I have seen this movie at least 25 times (not exaggerating) and I can still get into it. Was far ahead of its time.

    Predator is, and will always be, straight-up the shit.Aliens are a tie, b/c the movie "Aliens" was simply as bad as bad ass can get.Cory


    Eric Shaw

    Mirin' long and hard, my friend.

    lol, I have seen this movie at least 25 times (not exaggerating) and I can still get into it. Was far ahead of its time.

    Predator is, and will always be, straight-up the shit.Aliens are a tie, b/c the movie "Aliens" was simply as bad as bad ass can get.Cory

    Prometheus was awesome!


    Richard Schmitt

    Mirin' long and hard, my friend.

    lol, I have seen this movie at least 25 times (not exaggerating) and I can still get into it. Was far ahead of its time.

    Predator is, and will always be, straight-up the shit.Aliens are a tie, b/c the movie "Aliens" was simply as bad as bad ass can get.Cory

    Prometheus was awesome!

    Predator with The Govenator is fucking awesome, the new Predators movie was badass as well. Alien was starting out as a good movie and Aliens is just a great badass movie for it. Everything after that sucked...AVP should have continued to being awesome but number 2 sucked. Prometheus...I'm just looking forward to them redoing the Alien Series now >=]


    Brandon D Christ

    Really?  In my opinion the original Alien is the best of the series.  Now Predator?  Eh, I didn't think it was particularly great.  Arnold will always be the Terminator to me.


    Richard Schmitt

    Alien was good but the way they did Aliens topped it off. The other Alien movies personally I think sucked. You know they're making another Terminator movie? At least that's the rumor.



    I never really got into the Alien franchise, I appreciate it because it as well was ahead of its time. I liked AVP, with no big stars in it they did a good job. I also agree with Tex that Predators was good, Predator 2 was terrible (no matter what people tell you, Danny Glover you are a terrible actor). My girlfriend watched Predator with me before and said that she picked out at least 10 quotes from the movie that I say on a regular basis in conversation…I guess its become part of my vocabulary.

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1+1=an awesome 2

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