1st Carb Nite is tomrrow (X-Mas Eve)

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    Here's the plan… looking for someone to tell me my plan is fine, or guide me in a different direction.Been ULT for 8 days, tomorrow is 9th. I'm shortening the length because I've have 5 days of HIIT training this past week and can feel the lack of glucose in my body.Breakfast for my usually occurs around 11:30... will be either an omelet with eggs, bacon, sausage, and cheddar cheese, or I might stick with lean (95/5) turkey burgers. Not sure how much I need to watch my fat intake on my first meal, so any guidance available is appreciated.CARB NITE!It's Christmas Eve, so my in-laws will be in town. The menu has already been decided, and the conversation from Houshold-5 (aka, my wife) has already been directed to me to not stray far from what's prepared (that's an order!).  Here's what I've got so far...Work out at 3 - Should press, push jerk, good mornings, toe-2-bar..... strength stuff, not metcon today.4-5 pmFruity pebbles, 2 gluten-free donuts, chips7-8 pmBBQ ribs with mashed yukon gold potatoes, gluten-free chocolate chip cookies, paleo pumpkin pie10-11Deans Chocolate Moose Tracks ice cream... About a pint or 1.5 pintsDo I need to add or take away? I didn't list too much about portion sizes, as I'm giving the plan a little room to breathe.... I'll also probably indulge myself with 1 or 2 glasses of red wine throughout the night.


    Richard Schmitt

    Everything looks good just push the donuts to the 2nd carb meal and have some protein with each carb meal



    I'm a newbie to this diet too….so the only advice I can give you is just like anything else, there is no perfect food choice/quantity for your carb nite…it's all about finding what your body reacts to best.  Keep track of what you're eating and otherwise go nuts and have fun with it!  Happy Holidays!

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1st Carb Nite is tomrrow (X-Mas Eve)

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