2 carbnites a week once lower BF levels??

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    Hey guys,Over the course of a few months, I used CBL to go from 17 percent bodyfat to 14, before stalling out on progress and simply maintaining. 4 weeks ago I switched to Carbnite and was shocked to kick fatloss into high gear. I weigh 222, only down about 2lbs and am 10.9% bodyfat! 3 percent drop with barely any weightloss in under a month!!!Ive always believed that "if it aint broke dont fix it" and im not struggeling on my ulc days at all, BUT, is there anything I can do to keep this proccess skyrocketing to get me down to single digit bodyfat? Im.kinda hesitant to jump to full fleged Cbl until my bodyfat is as low as id like it, so would 2 carbnites a week serve as beneficial?



    I know once your sub 10 around the 8-9 range something like 2 carb meals a week seems to work well basically like the NHE by Rob Faigan.Its just 2 big carb rich meals a week, one on say wednesday and one saturday.



    at 10%, id say your good to go on CBL. Especially if you were able to decrease BF from 17% in the first place….



    Yeah i guess it depends on the person but i found getting below 10 extremely hard with carbs in my diet more than twice a week but I also have basically zero insulin sensitivity.



    Yeah i guess it depends on the person but i found getting below 10 extremely hard with carbs in my diet more than twice a week but I also have basically zero insulin sensitivity.

    For a guy who looks like -5% BF, thats a bold statement lol. Was that all from CNS Mike?



    Haha I wish, my goal is 6 percent for next summers cut 🙂 Your gonna virtual slap me after this but from last march-july I did a sort of TKD where I was just eating a 1/4 cup raw oats before my WO, macors were 2g per pound protein and 0.5g per pound fats and its gets worse, first three meals were always egg whites, plus celery and 10 almonds next three were chicken 15g of walnuts and spinach (no refeeds), then the training... Weight training 6 days a week, no sets less than 15 reps, LISS cardio every morning for 40 minutes with BCAAS.I lost 48 pounds in those 4 months but there was days where just getting out of bed was a challenge, one day I got up and my temperature was 34 celsius.So there my galmorous journey to a skinny 170lbs 🙂



    Haha I wish, my goal is 6 percent for next summers cut 🙂 Your gonna virtual slap me after this but from last march-july I did a sort of TKD where I was just eating a 1/4 cup raw oats before my WO, macors were 2g per pound protein and 0.5g per pound fats and its gets worse, first three meals were always egg whites, plus celery and 10 almonds next three were chicken 15g of walnuts and spinach (no refeeds), then the training... Weight training 6 days a week, no sets less than 15 reps, LISS cardio every morning for 40 minutes with BCAAS.I lost 48 pounds in those 4 months but there was days where just getting out of bed was a challenge, one day I got up and my temperature was 34 celsius.So there my galmorous journey to a skinny 170lbs 🙂

    Sounds kinda like what i used to do.the day would always start out w/ 2 eggs, chicken breastPreworkout : sandwich w/ ezekiel bread, lean meatPWO: shake, another sandwichdinner: chicken and veggies, 2 grams fish oil thru out the dayAll while doing HIIT workouts with compound movements and some accessory lifting. and doing track.I eventually got into ONE pathetic little cheat meal a week.Became pretty insensitive to the cold, progressively wittling away.FF to spring, probably around 8% BF at the time, 150 lbs, got a HORRIBLE stomach bug, couldn't eat for like 5 days, lose 10 lbs in 3 days(while not having ANY bowel movements), now looking like a holocaust victim. I decide that looks effin scary, and go on a month long cheese cake and ice cream binge. Now a big fat fatty again, ive seen the light of calorie restriction, and Finally looking to get back to some abs.So your story isn't so bad lol.



    thanks guys.my goal is still 100 percent fatloss, so I still think ill hold off on full fledged cbl until I hit my goal and and want to maintain bodyfat/gain muscle.im thinking of going sunday and wed with my carbnite(s) now to see if that provides an extra kick. I don't know if my results thus far are normal, but after what was literally only a few months on cbl, switching to ONE MONTH of carbnite shredded the hell out of me. Im going to be between these two diets for life.


    Brandon D Christ

    I is difficult to get lower than 10% using CBL.  You can maintain sub 10% using CBL, but getting there usually requires twice a week Carb Nite.  @ActionJackson I don't know exactly determining how you know when you should have twice a week Carb Nite, but all I can say is experiment and see what happens.



    I'm somewhere around 9-10% after 9 weeks of CNS.  I've been doing 2 CNs a week for a couple weeks now and I think it's probably too early to tell if it's accelerating my fat loss but it's definitely helped my training.


    Brandon D Christ

    The thing with twice a week Carb Nites is that I am not sure you are supposed to go nuts like you do on once a week Carb Nites.  I think they are bit more controlled.



    If you are male, under 10%, holding a lot of LBM and working out heavily, I think you could pig out for 8 hrs straight every 4 days while losing fat. Hell, I'm 19-20% and I pig out every 4-5 days, my LMB is about 90lbs, I workout for fun, and I'm still losing fat!



    Haha I wish, my goal is 6 percent for next summers cut 🙂 Your gonna virtual slap me after this but from last march-july I did a sort of TKD where I was just eating a 1/4 cup raw oats before my WO, macors were 2g per pound protein and 0.5g per pound fats and its gets worse, first three meals were always egg whites, plus celery and 10 almonds next three were chicken 15g of walnuts and spinach (no refeeds), then the training... Weight training 6 days a week, no sets less than 15 reps, LISS cardio every morning for 40 minutes with BCAAS.I lost 48 pounds in those 4 months but there was days where just getting out of bed was a challenge, one day I got up and my temperature was 34 celsius.So there my galmorous journey to a skinny 170lbs 🙂

    Sounds kinda like what i used to do.the day would always start out w/ 2 eggs, chicken breastPreworkout : sandwich w/ ezekiel bread, lean meatPWO: shake, another sandwichdinner: chicken and veggies, 2 grams fish oil thru out the dayAll while doing HIIT workouts with compound movements and some accessory lifting. and doing track.I eventually got into ONE pathetic little cheat meal a week.Became pretty insensitive to the cold, progressively wittling away.FF to spring, probably around 8% BF at the time, 150 lbs, got a HORRIBLE stomach bug, couldn't eat for like 5 days, lose 10 lbs in 3 days(while not having ANY bowel movements), now looking like a holocaust victim. I decide that looks effin scary, and go on a month long cheese cake and ice cream binge. Now a big fat fatty again, ive seen the light of calorie restriction, and Finally looking to get back to some abs.So your story isn't so bad lol.

    haha fuck bro well at least you were smart enough to eat some carbs and do HITT not LISS thats literally fucking useless, but point proven before cns and CBL we were some sad guys...LOL



    The thing with twice a week Carb Nites is that I am not sure you are supposed to go nuts like you do on once a week Carb Nites.  I think they are bit more controlled.

    I agree 1 backload and 1 carb nite seems optimal.


    Hey guys,Over the course of a few months, I used CBL to go from 17 percent bodyfat to 14, before stalling out on progress and simply maintaining. 4 weeks ago I switched to Carbnite and was shocked to kick fatloss into high gear. I weigh 222, only down about 2lbs and am 10.9% bodyfat! 3 percent drop with barely any weightloss in under a month!!!Ive always believed that "if it aint broke dont fix it" and im not struggeling on my ulc days at all, BUT, is there anything I can do to keep this proccess skyrocketing to get me down to single digit bodyfat? Im.kinda hesitant to jump to full fleged Cbl until my bodyfat is as low as id like it, so would 2 carbnites a week serve as beneficial?

    Mod-CNS worked well for me.  I was @ 15%-ish, when I ran it a short time.  Unlike with standard CNS, I was able to bump training up to 5 days a week w/ no overtraining issues.M - Lift, full ULC T - Lift, full ULCW - Lift, 2-4 hour "back-load" (no carbs in PWO shake)T - Morning HIIT, full ULCF - Lift, full ULCS - Lift, standard CNS - Morning HIIT, full ULCCory

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2 carbnites a week once lower BF levels??

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