2-Day Split?

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    I know that SW is made to help preserve the CNS and keep someone from over-training, but I'm going to start training in MMA about 3 times a week and then 5 times a week starting next month.Has anyone been able to use shockwave with a 2-day split? I normally resort to a 2-day split whenever I train for a sport and it works great, but I was curious if such an infrequent lift schedule would make the shockwave system less beneficial (obviously it wouldn't be as good as written, but hopefully not useless)?If not I'm happy to just wait for an update to the program that Naomi's mentioned. I'd rather do another program than totally bastardize this one to the point of it not even working.



    I designed the Shockwave protocol to be condensed into smaller splits when necessary, but I didn't outline the process. It's not too tough to figure out, but you may need to pick a few different exercises.



    Great, thanks Kiefer!


    Did you ever put together your two day split Zewski?



    Nope I just decided to stick with one weight session a week since I'm doing mma, and am lazy  😛

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2-Day Split?

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