2 questions

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    I have a very strange schedule.  one week its 1130-8 pm.  I follow the fasted am workout on this week.  The second week is 530 pm-2 am.  I workout around 230-3pm.  First question is do I still start hitting carbs around 6 or 7 or should I push it back a few more hours on the week i work till 2 am?  Second question is I have a preworkout that has Leucine in it (around 2gm) I know this spikes insulin but would that amount affect anything?  If it helps I follow the Conjugate method and hit gpp 2-3 times a week on "off" days depending on how body feels.


    Richard Schmitt

    I have a very strange schedule.  one week its 1130-8 pm.  I follow the fasted am workout on this week.  The second week is 530 pm-2 am.  I workout around 230-3pm.  First question is do I still start hitting carbs around 6 or 7 or should I push it back a few more hours on the week i work till 2 am?  Ah this is fairly difficult to answer because of sleep patterns and all. Sleep is something you'll have to consider with CBL as well as training/nutrition. Besides you're lifting during a time that isn't ideal with CBL (2:30-3pm) I would try to stick to fasted workouts each week. Get 8 hours of sleep then go lift when you wake up. Have carbs the night prior to lifting in the mornings. Second question is I have a preworkout that has Leucine in it (around 2gm) I know this spikes insulin but would that amount affect anything?  Yes it will. Stick to coffee.If it helps I follow the Conjugate method and hit gpp 2-3 times a week on "off" days depending on how body feels.



    Yeah 8 hrs of sleep on this week is tough…kids wake up at 8.  so i get 6 but I can start pulling of fasted workouts on this week as well.  Thanks


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah 8 hrs of sleep on this week is tough...kids wake up at 8.  so i get 6 but I can start pulling of fasted workouts on this week as well.  Thanks

    Yeah I know how that goes, I don't have kids of my own, but two younger brothers that have school early in the morning...does take a toll. Well as long as its between 6-8 hours a night (uninterrupted) I would believe you'll be ok. You're welcome, I hope it helps.

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2 questions

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