2013: Whats your goal(s)

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    Ive never had resolutions, but this year I have the urge to for some reason….Here is what ive decided I will DO this year.1. Get full abs2. Deadlift 500lbs while doing it.What about you guys?


    Richard Schmitt

    I've had Resolutions in the past, but they tend to not happen or disappear after a month or two. I'm setting out for goals and completing promises. •Want to achieve my own personal physique and keep it!•Squat ~2x/Bench ~1.5x/Deadlift ~2.5x/OHP ~.75-1x =Per 180lbs •Get to college.•Spend more time with family and friends.•Enjoy life and do some new things!



    Squat and Deadlift 5 plates.



    This may seem like a silly goal, but I'd love to learn how to read my body enough to just live on CBL without having to weigh/measure food, or constantly worry if I'm eating too much or not enough.  To just mindlessly CBL and know how to easily tune it based on how I look/feel/perform.


    I don't do resolutions, but I do make plans to follow through with for a year (these are actually part of my long-term goals):1.  Step on stage in MPD once I am dialed-in (hence my CNS usage).  I estimate physique-readiness by May, at this rate (taking it steady).2.  Get my personal modeling project done, submit to some modeling opportunities I am aware of (when dialed-in), and seek new modeling opportunities.  This is for fitness modeling / sport modeling, possibly underwear modeling (like one of my buddies who is a pro), not fashion or that like!3.  Work on some video projects (acting, modeling, etc.) with a buddy of mine in LA who runs a production company.  He wants to utilize my physique and martial arts.4.  Not related to fitness:  get a musical recording finished that I've been writing / working on.  This is one of my non-fitness related passions (as is art and writing).Cory


    Lesli Bortz

    2012 goal was to do 5 unassisted dips and 1 chin.  Made it to 5 dips (once! but that's all that matters lol) and 75% of a chin but didn't set that goal until 10/2012. My Jan-March goals: 1. some abs visible2. 2 sets of 5 dips3. 2 chins4. Hip thrusts @1855. Remain faithful to my rogue protocol through 4/08/12 - 6 monthsThose are my short-term goals!



    My Fitness goals in order:Commit and follow through with the bodybubuilding show in February as well as July.Don't let life get in the way of my my goals and ambitions, as best as I can.Over 200 pounds under 10percent BF. Improve over all strength (bench 2xBW, squat 405 for 3rm, OHP1.5xbw, deadlift 405)



    Get below 10% BF for summer. Get back into the 1000lb club by winter.


    Robert Gray

    Fully visible abs.



    Over the next month or so:Reach 8-9% bodyfatOver the course of the year:Deadlift 440 lbs, if not more, same with squatsBench Press 300 lbsFurther improve my physique (better quad and calf development, wider chest/shoulders/lats).Maintain sub-10% body fat while meeting the above goals.



    2012 goal was to do 5 unassisted dips and 1 chin.  Made it to 5 dips (once! but that's all that matters lol) and 75% of a chin but didn't set that goal until 10/2012. My Jan-March goals: 1. some abs visible2. 2 sets of 5 dips3. 2 chins4. Hip thrusts @1855. Remain faithful to my rogue protocol through 4/08/12 - 6 monthsThose are my short-term goals!

    You've inspired me to do 5 dips!! I can do 75% of one right now. Oh, by the way... This time last year I could do 1 chin, now I can do 5! You can do it!! Great goal 🙂


    Brandon D Christ

    Deadlift 600 lbsSquat 550 lbsBench 350 lbsandGet so fucking yoked so that I don't have a neck.



    I guess I will throw a few out there.1 Get back to around 220 so I can claim to be lean. Currently I am probably about 260.2 Deadlift 700 pounds. Been close 2 different times(675).3 Bench 4054 Commit to CNS and dont let ego stop me. Harder for me to get used to the idea of doing this than I would like to admit.5 Compete in a powerlifting meet


    Eric Shaw

    Get to 180lbs at 10% bf at 6'0  (currently 175 @ 15-17%)Bench 225 10 times  (currently 165 10 times) Squat 225 10 times  (currently 155 10 times)Deadlift 275 10 times (currently 205 10 times)20 bodyweight pull-ups at 180@ 10%bf (currently can do 8-12 at 175lbs bw depending on grip style used)note: not sure why, but for me hitting those lifts 10 times means more to me than dong a 1 rep max, at least right now. Maybe it's just me trying to beat my old high school/college numbers which were way more than currently, when I was thinking I was a wannabe bodybuilder. lol



    10% BF (currently 15%). Which translates to +5 lbs of lbm and 10 lbs of fat loss.275 lb bench300 lb squat400 lb dead175 lb pressSent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2

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2013: Whats your goal(s)

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