2013: Whats your goal(s)

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    Lesli Bortz

    2012 goal was to do 5 unassisted dips and 1 chin.  Made it to 5 dips (once! but that's all that matters lol) and 75% of a chin but didn't set that goal until 10/2012. My Jan-March goals: 1. some abs visible2. 2 sets of 5 dips3. 2 chins4. Hip thrusts @1855. Remain faithful to my rogue protocol through 4/08/12 - 6 monthsThose are my short-term goals!

    You've inspired me to do 5 dips!! I can do 75% of one right now. Oh, by the way... This time last year I could do 1 chin, now I can do 5! You can do it!! Great goal 🙂

    Lol we should even out then XD! I'll get 5 by the end of the year, I know it  ;D


    Jason Berrigan

    My main goal for 2013 is to lose another 50 lbs using both CNS and ShockwaveSent from my Galaxy Nexus


    Lesli Bortz

    My main goal for 2013 is to lose another 50 lbs using both CNS and ShockwaveSent from my Galaxy Nexus

    It'll happen 🙂


    Jason Berrigan

    My main goal for 2013 is to lose another 50 lbs using both CNS and ShockwaveSent from my Galaxy Nexus

    It'll happen 🙂

    Thanks. I lost 47 lbs on a previous diet and 20 lbs on CNS since November. The next 50 should fly by. Then I can set other goals like seeing my abs 🙂Sent from my Galaxy Nexus


    Igor Vidovic

    Single digit body fat or as damn close to it as life allows.Rep 3 plates on the benchRep 2 plates OHPRep 4 plates DeadsRep 3-4 plates SquatFind a new dojo I like

    training log


    Single digit body fat or as damn close to it as life allows.Rep 3 plates on the benchRep 2 plates OHPRep 4 plates DeadsRep 3-4 plates SquatFind a new dojo I like

    What happened to your old dojo?  If you don't mind me asking.Cory


    Igor Vidovic

    My background is in Shotokan,Taekwondo and Kajukembo. The old dojo( taekwondo) has a bunch of idiots there and it was never fun to be honest with you. I've moved since, my knees stopped hurting and would love to find a Kajukembo dojo near my new house. Well see how the plan works put

    training log


    My background is in Shotokan,Taekwondo and Kajukembo. The old dojo( taekwondo) has a bunch of idiots there and it was never fun to be honest with you. I've moved since, my knees stopped hurting and would love to find a Kajukembo dojo near my new house. Well see how the plan works put

    My background is Okinawan Karate (decades), and ~2 years ago, I made the transition to Kyokushin Karate (to fight full contact).  I also have Taijutsu experience.  So, a nice mix of heavy striking, plus joint manipulation and grappling (for me).I never heard of Kajukembo, but I looked it up... mixed style, very interesting.How were your old Taekwondo mates idiots?  Just curious.Cory


    Igor Vidovic

    I really don't have a lot of free time so when I do get to make it to work on some forms and new techniques I wanna put my head down to do work. A lot of fucking around went down there and I felt like I could get more accomplished at a diff place that's all. Great people just not the same mind frame I'm in

    training log


    I really don't have a lot of free time so when I do get to make it to work on some forms and new techniques I wanna put my head down to do work. A lot of fucking around went down there and I felt like I could get more accomplished at a diff place that's all. Great people just not the same mind frame I'm in

    Totally hear ya.  Training should be a focused thing.  You can't learn, and you cannot digest, if you don't focus.Cory



    2013!!! I am going for sub-10% and beyond.



    2013!!! I am going for sub-10% and beyond.

    Adding another.3) Polar plunge!



    Ya another goal for me is to get more sleep haha.


    Ya another goal for me is to get more sleep haha.

    ...and tell better stories.  LOL.Cory



    Ya another goal for me is to get more sleep haha.

    ...and tell better stories.  LOL.Cory

    To tell better stories would require me to live a better more interesting life haha.Want to hear the story about how I broke up a fist fight outside a club and then tried to stop a gun fight? Oh the days of being young and drunk haha.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 44 total)

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2013: Whats your goal(s)

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