2013: Whats your goal(s)

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    To be an even sexier beast than I am right now!  😀Strength:1. 10+ pull ups  (5)2. 20 + dips  (13)3. Bench over 300 (230 working max - 5/3/1)4. Squat and Dead Lift over 400 (325 / 300 working max - 5/3/1)5. OH Press over 200 (155 working max - 5/3/1)Body Comp:1. lose 10% body fat (22 %)2. be able to take my shirt off with confidence this summer. 



    Next year I'd like to get closer to a 1300 total somewhere in the 150s, lose some fat and build some muscle in the process. Also, less weight fluctuations and more training consistency would be nice. Binge eating/drinking less times a month, too.


    Go Heavy

    By summer- To get to 185 lbs or see abs. Whichever comes first. By year end- To Bench 315 (265 1rm)-Deadlift 405 for reps raw (current 1rm with straps)-Squat 315 for reps (285 is the most weight I've tried so far)-To see abs if I don't at 185I'm finally back to normal and getting my strength back I think this these are all possible and plausible with dedication.



    By summer- To get to 185 lbs or see abs. Whichever comes first. By year end- To Bench 315 (265 1rm)-Deadlift 405 for reps raw (current 1rm with straps)-Squat 315 for reps (285 is the most weight I've tried so far)-To see abs if I don't at 185I'm finally back to normal and getting my strength back I think this these are all possible and plausible with dedication.

    You may wish to chase these in 2 seperate blocks if you ask me. Gaining considerable amount of strength isnt really going to go hand in hand with dropping bodyfat to abs lean levels. You might be able to gain a small amount of strength but your not likely to bench 315 this year at 185lbs.



    My long term goals:1. Be able to pull my own body weight (Pull/chin ups).2. Get to sub-15% bf (currently 25%~).3. Learn French.4. Learn to drive/pass test.5. Find a better job.


    Brandon D Christ

    My long term goals:1. Be able to pull my own body weight (Pull/chin ups).2. Get to sub-15% bf (currently 25%~).3. Learn French.4. Learn to drive/pass test.5. Find a better job.

    The Driver's test?  That's one I didn't expect to see.  Have fun with the parallel parking, I have been driving for 7 years and I still suck at it.


    Go Heavy

    By summer- To get to 185 lbs or see abs. Whichever comes first. By year end- To Bench 315 (265 1rm)-Deadlift 405 for reps raw (current 1rm with straps)-Squat 315 for reps (285 is the most weight I've tried so far)-To see abs if I don't at 185I'm finally back to normal and getting my strength back I think this these are all possible and plausible with dedication.

    You may wish to chase these in 2 seperate blocks if you ask me. Gaining considerable amount of strength isnt really going to go hand in hand with dropping bodyfat to abs lean levels. You might be able to gain a small amount of strength but your not likely to bench 315 this year at 185lbs.

    This is true.  Fat loss while at least maintaining what I have is definitely the first priority for me this year. It'll be the first time in my entire life that I'll have seen my abs LoL



    My long term goals:1. Be able to pull my own body weight (Pull/chin ups).2. Get to sub-15% bf (currently 25%~).3. Learn French.4. Learn to drive/pass test.5. Find a better job.

    The Driver's test?  That's one I didn't expect to see.  Have fun with the parallel parking, I have been driving for 7 years and I still suck at it.

    It's just been one of those things I keep putting off, year after year. The cost of running a car in the UK is ridiculous, but I know that having a license will help me get a better job down the line.



    I guess I will throw a few out there.1 Get back to around 220 so I can claim to be lean. Currently I am probably about 260.2 Deadlift 700 pounds. Been close 2 different times(675).3 Bench 4054 Commit to CNS and dont let ego stop me. Harder for me to get used to the idea of doing this than I would like to admit.5 Compete in a powerlifting meet

    Benched 405 tonight so 1 goal down haha. Even paused at the bottom.



    Break and stay under 200 for more then week and/or get to 15-18% body fat. 5 handstand pushups(wall) and work on free standing handstands,5 pistols each leg, 10 dead hang pull ups.As a bonus not having a gut would be nice. Not really worried about seeing abs right now.Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


    Lesli Bortz

    We should all check this thread March 1st and see where the goals are at lol  ;D



    We should all check this thread March 1st and see where the goals are at lol  ;D

    I keep this thread in the back of my head. A return to it in won year to see if I really obtained, or made a real stride towards them.



    – Front squat 315 ATG.- 50 ft throw in the shot put (16 lbs), 130 ft discus (2k)- powerclean 275lbs



    Improve body comp further with more fat loss and muscle gain.Get back in gear and go for a 2000 lb total drug free 220 or 242 class.Good luck everyone.Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

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2013: Whats your goal(s)

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