21s for shoulders

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    I'm a total newb which I am sure I'm about to make perfectly clear … I downloaded the Shockwave Protocol in the Gain app. First movement is "21s for shoulders". I YouTubed/Googled this movement, but the videos I'm seeing don't appear to match what this (very fast moving) animated image is doing in the Gain app. According to Shockwave, what is a 21s for shoulders?I think the Shockwave Protocol needs a glossary via a PDF or videos to explain the movements listed within. Is that asking to be babied too much?Maybe I'll just do 5-3-1 or Starting Strength. Bummed because the app seems cool. I grew up on cardio and am a novice lifter and only really know basics (dealift, squat, bench, press and a few Oly lifts).



    If you are new to lifting I would just start with the basics…squats, bench, dead lifts, (the big 3) and maybe overhead press. I honestly wish this is all I would have done at first to build a good foundation, instead of trying every new 'cool' exercise I found in the bodybuilding magazines.Not sure what 21s for shoulders are, as I have never done them (I basically still just do the big 3). If you still want to try them, I would just do a front, side and then bent over dumb bell raises w/ seven reps each position back to back.5-3-1 would be a great fit. The program helped my strength a lot and put some quality mass on me.Hope that helps.-Z


    Igor Vidovic

    21s for shoulders usually consist of 7 reps of:Front raisesLateral raises Reverse flysAll done in one set. At least this is how my football coach showed me years years ago

    training log



    21s for shoulders usually consist of 7 reps of:Front raisesLateral raises Reverse flysAll done in one set. At least this is how my football coach showed me years years ago

    Yes, pretty much. From the gif type animation in the app, it appears that the order is:Front Lateral RaiseRear Lateral RaiseSide Lateral RaiseWith the format being what Arrrr1 mentioned; 7 reps for each movement, supersetted.



    Thank you very much for the replies. I appreciate the advice and explanations!


    Igor Vidovic

    You're welcome Shannon. Anything you need help with there's a bunch of good people floating around on this forum. Just ask…good luck

    training log


    Lesli Bortz

    I've done that variation but its funny cause it puts a “10” down for the pre-set reps. It threw me the first time. I like the app a lot but it needs some tweaking. But that's what updates are for...maybe there will be one in the next few years  😛  😉

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21s for shoulders

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