2Qs for a Beginner regarding SW-HD, and carbintake on CBL usin SW-HD

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    Hi!I'm 28, male, have been lifting since I was 16. As a former fatboy, I've been mostly concerned with getting to 10% BF or below. I've done all sorts of programs, Body for Life, Turbulence Training, Stronglifts 5x5, Low volume High Intensity RPT-style, Adonis Index 3.0. I've been doing the Leangain fastingsprotocol for years but not reached my desired level of leanness. Also, due to a shoulder-injury and hamstringpull, I haven't made much strenght-gains either, since neither the calories, nor joint-stability (shoulder) and muscle-capacity (hamstrings) have been optimal until of lately.After discovering Kiefers work, I'm totally sold on the dude and his methods. I'm doing the Shockwave protocol right now, and I'm in the prep-phase of CBL. I'm thinking of prolonging it, making it into CNS for the rest of January, and in February, trying out CBL. My goal is to lean out a little bit more (currently I'm estimating my BF% is around 15-17%, and I think I need to get down to at least 12% to feel comfortable with incorporating CBL and not feel like a fatty while recomping)and then start to recompI love the Shockwave-protocol,  but I'm curious about SW-HD. Question 1. Is SW-HD even suitable for "experienced lifters, who doesn't really have much strenght- or muscle-gains to show for it"?Question 2. If the above is yes, then how much lower would the carbintake of the CBL need to be in order to optimize the anabolic effects of the excentric portion of HD-training, while at the same time adjusting for the lowered glycogen-synthesis due to the excentric training?Any percentage you would suggest, like 85-90% of the normal carbintake on a BL?I've attached a front and side picture for BF% and muscle evaluation. Note that I relaxed and not flexing at these pictures. I'm on my 8th ULC prep-dayThanks in advance for any advice!


    I would go with CBL and focus more on a re-comp so you can gain some muscle.That will be much more beneficial then trying to keep losing fat in my opinion.



    Yeah, that´s what I'm aiming for in 3 weeks, to start CBL and train for lean mass-gain.What I'm wondering is whether regular SW is optimal for this, or if SW-HD would be more suitable for mass-gains.Or if there is a totally different program that would suit CBL for lean-massgains even better, feel free to point me in it's direction!


    Yeah, that´s what I'm aiming for in 3 weeks, to start CBL and train for lean mass-gain.What I'm wondering is whether regular SW is optimal for this, or if SW-HD would be more suitable for mass-gains.Or if there is a totally different program that would suit CBL for lean-massgains even better, feel free to point me in it's direction!

    SW-HD is fantastic for mass gains. Much better then normal SW.



    SW-HD is fantastic for mass gains. Much better then normal SW.

    Awesome!I'm currently looking for a trainingpartner in my area. In case I don´t find one, do you have a suggestion on how I should tackle the negative repetitions?



    Also, what about how much carbs on the BL's? What I understand from Kiefers article on SW-HD, he recommends less carbs since the negative reps interferes with glycogen-syntesis.


    I train a lone 50% of the time and I just do super slow negatives. 3-10 seconds depending on the move and how slow I can manage.Carbs are an individual thing, I'd imagine you can get away with a pretty heavy amount of carbs in comparison of some routines because it's super depleting and it's not like it's all eccentric training.



    Yeah, that´s what I'm aiming for in 3 weeks, to start CBL and train for lean mass-gain.What I'm wondering is whether regular SW is optimal for this, or if SW-HD would be more suitable for mass-gains.Or if there is a totally different program that would suit CBL for lean-massgains even better, feel free to point me in it's direction!

    That's more or less what I'm doing in February, only I'm planning to use 5/3/1.  I'm at ~9-10% I think and I've just been trying to get rid of that last little bit below my belly button using CN since October.  I want to be leaner but I want to make some fucking gains!

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2Qs for a Beginner regarding SW-HD, and carbintake on CBL usin SW-HD

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