3 months of CNS, week by week progression.

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    Hey guys, just wanted to share my results doing CNS!First of all, after doing reorientation I started to feel great, I had more energy, focus and just felt awesome overall. First I did my CN's every 7 days, after a few weeks I switched to 6, then 5, then every 4 days and in the last month I did two CN's every 3 and 4 days (Monday - Thursday). I've weight-trained 4 days a week first doing Shockwave, then 5/3/1 plus did HIIT 2 or 3 times a week on a spinning bike (30-3:30 intervals for 6 bouts before weight-training)I followed the 1g of fat and protein per 1 lb of BW protocol, drank my coffee (up to three) + MCT + butter every morning to start the day. And basically that's it. After a week or two I got into a groove, wasn't carving carbs so bad and enjoyed my 6 hour CN's (tried to keep the fat low at the beginning, higher at the end). When I felt I wasn't getting enought fat, I just upped it by adding and dividing 50 grams of butter throught my first three coffees of the day.What's the best part, my strenght levels have gone up during the whole process! I also think I actually gained muscle while shedding off fat.I havent measured my maxes before starting, but they were something like the first number (I got out of shape and wanted to restore my old form). Right now they have gone up noticeably (even higher when they were) ๐Ÿ˜€Bench: 210 - 260Dead: 395 - 465Squat: 275 - 355Supplements - i just stick to the basics:Preworkout: 400mg caffeine - later on also 5 g creatine paired with 25 grams of NaHCO3Post-workout - 30g creatine, 5 g leucine, 30 g Dymatize EliteRight now I'm satisfied with the results and will switch to CBL  to gain some muscle and get stronger. I will follow the new Wendler's BEYOND 5/3/1 with MYO-REPS assistance work, do 4 backloads with 200-250 g of carbs.RESULTS:Starting Weight: 94 kg / 207 lbsFinal Weight: 83,5 kg / 184 lbsBody fat: Didn't measure, what do you guys think I'm at currently?Week by week progression: http://s15.postimg.org/5n9gm487t/recomposition_CNS.jpgBefore/after pic: http://s9.postimg.org/g3bils2ku/before_after.jpgOk I think thats it. Thank you Kiefer and all of you guys posting on the forum - maybe I don't post a lot, but sure as hell I learned a ton when reading your posts. I wouldn't be able to do this without you ๐Ÿ™‚



    Nice job, man! Great results!One thing I didn't understand though was this bit:

    and in the last month I did two CN's every 3 and 4 days (Monday - Thursday).

    Care to elaborate? I'm not following.Again, great job!



    After I gradually reduced the days between Carb Nites (from 7 to 4) I got to a point, where I thought I will do two Carb Nites  a week โ€“ it suited my weightroom schedule really good. It went like this: I did first CN on chest day (monday) an the carb load gave me energy for the squat training following day. The same with shoulder workout (thursday) and following deadlift on friday. It was my try to mix CN and CBL and i think it worked really good.



    Ohh, ok. Gotcha.. I read the (Monday-Thursday) as Monday through Thursday and I was like โ€œEh?! That's CBL!โ€ haGreat results though, and you're nearly at double bodyweight squat. Awesome.



    Haha naah, Im switching to CBL right now. I think I'll start with 200g per backload, (50 from glucose, 150 from rice/rice flour) especially I workout really late so I want to keep the BL short and high glycemic.

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3 months of CNS, week by week progression.

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