30th day on Carb Nite!

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    Today is my 30th day on Carb Nite Solution! I love this way of eating!  ๐Ÿ™‚I started to lift weights 4 x a week upper/lower body split and 2 x a week Fartlek style cycling for 35 minutes (usually one after Carb Nite :P) I still do Yoga on my rest day and usually after my lifting sessions as a stretching routine. I used to do crossfit twice a week and HIIT's from Zuzana Light's Warriorz website (used to be Bodyrock.tv) but I got convinced to start lifting weights and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!  ๐Ÿ˜€I would also like to buy calipers to get an idea where I'm situated in BF% (if any of you guys know where I can get some good one, please post a link ๐Ÿ™‚ ) I am happy with my first thirty days lost alot of fat from my stomach and thighs and starting to see little muscles popping! ๐Ÿ˜€ I still have maaaaaany ways to go but this is encouraging!I did not take any day 1 pics, sadly so these will be my before pic!  ๐Ÿ™‚ I also posted a pic of my last Carb Nite just for fun because that plate was gigantic and the waiter bet me a free coffee with whipped cream I could not finish it! HA! I licked that clean plate and got my free coffee! ๐Ÿ˜‰



    looking good! keep it up:)


    Igor Vidovic

    Congrats on results and SICK INK

    training log


    Richard Schmitt

    Congrats on results and SICK INK

    +1 wow yes awesome job!



    Thanks you guys!  ๐Ÿ™‚Can't wait to take 60 days and 90 days pics!  ;D



    Awesome job! Have you thought of starting a log in the forums?



    Wow you look great! I hope my upper-body looks like yours. I could not agree more about the addiction to weight lifting now. I used to back in high school but without seeing the results I wanted I eventually stopped. I know now it was my poor diet so it's so rewarding to see your efforts in quick results.I bought a caliper at The Vitamin Shoppe. It's a nutrition store but you can buy their products on their website.http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=6J-1001#.UcJowcu9KK0 -link to bf caliper.Have someone else do it to you though.What are your stats? Height,age,etc? Look forward to seeing your progress!


    Damn good progress. I always love seeing the results posts, we don't get enough of them around here.



    @Domanm โ€“ Thanks ๐Ÿ˜€ It still needs so much work! But I'm already adding weight and I thought I was weaker than I actually am! Myy lower body still needs alot of work too although it's already stronger than upper! Thank you for the caliper link: they're ordered! ๐Ÿ˜€ I'll get my roommate to do it for me lol I'd also like her to measure me (arms, thighs, waist, chest, hips).Stats:Age: 23Height: 5''5'Weight: 137.6lbs I'm thinking I'll maybe start a little log on here with pics and more stats as I get them and I'd also be curious to get critique on my nutrition/workouts. Thanks again for the kind words  ๐Ÿ™‚@Trevorxgage - Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ It's encouraging to see your body change so quickly!



    So glad i could help!Yeah I started lifting 5lbs in each hand and just this past Sunday(Month and a half later) I benched pressed 50lbs!!So I'm suupperrr proud too!lolGreat, I hope you do log. We're around similar stats and body shape so it'd be great to compare and see our progress  ๐Ÿ˜‰



    So glad i could help!Yeah I started lifting 5lbs in each hand and just this past Sunday(Month and a half later) I benched pressed 50lbs!!So I'm suupperrr proud too!lolGreat, I hope you do log. We're around similar stats and body shape so it'd be great to compare and see our progress  ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That's awesome!!! You'll see you'll love it I'm sure!!! I've already made so much progress in only one month!! From what I've seen you seem much leaner than me but it's so awesome to see the progress!!! I bought Starting Strenght and I really really recommend it if you start doing barbell training! I will definitely apply what I read and correct certain form errors!!!I was actually starting my log today! ๐Ÿ˜€


    Brandon D Christ

    Lol I had to double take, you look like a girl I used to date.Anyways excellent work!



    Lol I had to double take, you look like a girl I used to date.Anyways excellent work!

    Hahahah I'll take that as a double compliment?  ๐Ÿ˜› Thanks!  8)

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30th day on Carb Nite!

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