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  • #3344

    this diet buts a good size dent in your wallet with the groceries needed …3 lb bacon i got for 12 bucks not terrible but when it lasts like 3-4  days... damn


    Igor Vidovic

    Found good bacon at  wynco. Got something like 6 lbs for $12-13

    training log


    idk that i have that store… but my bacon has 14g fat per 2 slices which is the highest ive found


    Richard Schmitt

    I need to find a good brand and all in the Fort Worth.


    tyson thick cut is good and what i use


    Richard Schmitt

    I normally get store brand from Kroger.



    Costco ftw. Their meat prices aren't always the lowest, but quality is consistenttap tap tap...



    this diet buts a good size dent in your wallet with the groceries needed ...3 lb bacon i got for 12 bucks not terrible but when it lasts like 3-4  days... damn

    Duh, you live in Seattle, WA.


    the cost of living really isnt that much more expensive its alittle… but ive lived in ny and cali… sooo dont make much a difference to me

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