531 and diet setup

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  • #206701

    Brandon D Christ

    Dude, when he said 'don't backload that day if u don't train' he's referring to those people who are training in the early evening 'optimal' training time. Since u train in the morning this doesn't apply. He also states in the book that if you train in the morning that you backload the night before( as you Know). So in summation: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights you backload. Tuesday, Friday and sAturday, do not back load.

    +1You backload the night before an AM strength training session. 


    Tracy Jarchow

    I think lots of folks get confused (me included) when they train some days in the AM, some days in the PM, some days weights, some days cardio, some days competition, etc.. etc. The CBL book cannot cover every possible individualized scenario. That is the place where each person must take the basic rule set, as laid out in the book and personalize it through self experimentation to their individual goals and the routines they have established to achieve those goals.

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531 and diet setup

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