5/3/1 and HIIT?

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    Vi guys !I'm doing the Wendlers 5/3/1 and loving it. But want to make some hiit twice a week also.I know its best doing it in the Morning, but I only have the oppertunity to do it before ir after mu lifting session.Wendler says, only do it after a lower body day workout, newer before ! Kiefer says. Do it before your liftning session if you have to do it.When would be the best time to do it ? We are talking 10 min hitt on a stairmaster ๐Ÿ™‚ I train like:Mon: shoulder & chestTues: back and leg - hiitThurs: chest shoulderFri: leg and back - HiitLooking forward to hear your comments ๐Ÿ™‚



    If strength is your primary goal, you don't wanna blast your legs before you squat or deadlift on 5/3/1, so do it after.If strength isn't your primary goal, and you're just using 5/3/1 as a program to follow, then it probably doesn't matter.


    Brandon D Christ

    If strength is your primary goal, you don't wanna blast your legs before you squat or deadlift on 5/3/1, so do it after.If strength isn't your primary goal, and you're just using 5/3/1 as a program to follow, then it probably doesn't matter.

    Pretty much what this.  I personally would always do it after.  Especially if you are doing the 30 seconds on/2 minutes off type of HIIT.  It really isn't much different than doing high rep assistance work.



    Thanks for the reply's both of you ๐Ÿ™‚But don't we all agree on, Kiefer says, "Never, ever ever, ever do HIIT after a liftning session!"http://athlete.io/4752/anabolic-cardio/ So why do you both say after?Logical, i dont wanna smash my leg before deadlift or squat, i rather use my last energy efter a leg session on the treadmill.Btw, i do 20 sec on, 40 sec rest/off ๐Ÿ™‚


    Brandon D Christ

    Thanks for the reply's both of you ๐Ÿ™‚But don't we all agree on, Kiefer says, "Never, ever ever, ever do HIIT after a liftning session!"http://athlete.io/4752/anabolic-cardio/ So why do you both say after?Logical, i dont wanna smash my leg before deadlift or squat, i rather use my last energy efter a leg session on the treadmill.Btw, i do 20 sec on, 40 sec rest/off ๐Ÿ™‚

    He does, but I don't think it really does much.  I bet if you told him your situation, he'd agree with me.



    He does, but I don't think it really does much.  I bet if you told him your situation, he'd agree with me.

    Thanks Ibo, i just stick with 10min Hiit after Leg days, with 20 sec on and 40 off ๐Ÿ™‚


    Marc Brandl

    On the same path โ€“ Just starting 5/3/1 and wondering how to incorporate it with HIIT and CBL and finding myself a bit confused on the variety of opinions out there โ€“ be curious to see your results after a month Thomas โ€“ I'll certainly share my experiences here as well.M

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5/3/1 and HIIT?

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