7-Keto DHEA

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    Would this supp make sense to enhance metabolism and fat burning while on CN? Do any of you guys know much about it?Seems like there's a lot of experience and knowledge around here, thought I'd see if anyone had any word on it.Thanks!


    I've not used it, personally, but I have heard the same claims.  There seems to be solid research on its effectiveness, though.The mechanism by which it works is increased metabolism, on an enzymatic level (elevating those enzymes associated w/ weight loss and management).Cory



    Thanks for the response! Yeah, it looks intriguing to me... I just didn't wanna jump into anything that may slow my progress abnormally when I come off it, or could somehow interfere with Ketosis/Carb Nite cycles.



    If you try it let us know how it works out for you.



    Will do for sure.Great forum here.I did 2 hard weeks of Ketosis before reading Carb Nite and CBL. Just did another 10 days keeping carbs <30g (have dropped 1%BF already), and am prepping for my first ever Carb Nite tomorrow. Figured I'd give the 7-Keto DHEA a spin after that.Carb Nite tomorrow... am I nervous? Excited? I can't tell.All I know is that I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a doughnut without massive guilt.Wish me luck guys...

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7-Keto DHEA

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