A Few Questions

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    hi all, haven't posted in some time. History is I used CBL to compete last year and came in at 80kgs on stage at 37mm measured over 8 sites using callipers. after a year of injury and what not back on the bandwagon and looking for some guidance.Goal is 95kgs or 210lbs holding around 6-7% body fat. Current weight is about 83kgs 183lbs at around 9% body fat.Training will be 5 days on 2 days off using a variety of protocols, but incorporating the big 3 (squat bench dead) and ancillary work. Not adding in any HIIT just yet want to grow first then tone it up. My questions are (and yeah i've read the book just can't get my thick head around it):1 - Determining a caloric intake - calculate on desired bodyweight? or lean bodyweight less fat percentage? e.g.: 210lbs x whatever to reach the caloric intake? Whats the multiplier?2 - How do I go about determining macro breakdown for ULC and then CBL (i'm going to be using a hybrid that I used for the comp of probably 2-3backloads per week and the rest ULC days a la Captain Smash)3 - I found during my comp prep that certain foods like ice cream and what not smoothed me out, should I continue to avoid these given i'm not aiming to get on stage (yet) or use them as a 'dirty bulk' kind of thing.Using the tables in CBL 1.0 it seems i should be aiming for 335grams of carbs and about 210grams of PRO (if i use the desired bodyweight x 1gram per lb) and about 105grams fat..that rounds out to about 3125KCals...which seems light on to me to reach 210lbs... so... anyone? Bit lost on this one..


    Richard Schmitt

    hi all, haven't posted in some time. History is I used CBL to compete last year and came in at 80kgs on stage at 37mm measured over 8 sites using callipers. after a year of injury and what not back on the bandwagon and looking for some guidance.Goal is 95kgs or 210lbs holding around 6-7% body fat. Current weight is about 83kgs 183lbs at around 9% body fat.Training will be 5 days on 2 days off using a variety of protocols, but incorporating the big 3 (squat bench dead) and ancillary work. Not adding in any HIIT just yet want to grow first then tone it up. My questions are (and yeah i've read the book just can't get my thick head around it):1 - Determining a caloric intake - calculate on desired bodyweight? or lean bodyweight less fat percentage? e.g.: 210lbs x whatever to reach the caloric intake? Whats the multiplier?2 - How do I go about determining macro breakdown for ULC and then CBL (i'm going to be using a hybrid that I used for the comp of probably 2-3backloads per week and the rest ULC days a la Captain Smash)3 - I found during my comp prep that certain foods like ice cream and what not smoothed me out, should I continue to avoid these given i'm not aiming to get on stage (yet) or use them as a 'dirty bulk' kind of thing.Using the tables in CBL 1.0 it seems i should be aiming for 335grams of carbs and about 210grams of PRO (if i use the desired bodyweight x 1gram per lb) and about 105grams fat..that rounds out to about 3125KCals...which seems light on to me to reach 210lbs... so... anyone? Bit lost on this one..

    Welcome back Matt.Now word of warning, none of us here are specialized in assisting folks to a very lean competition stage body fat readiness. So any information passed along, please take for a grain of salt as these are opinions. No experts here that we know of yet.1) Calorically that's something you can look into over a week long period, if you're following CBL, look into macros more so than just calories. Used the desired body weight of your choosing to achieve that weight, and recomp from there. 2) Using the charts as a baseline from the book can help, from what Kiefer mentions to gain or lose, use a certain +/- macro for your BW. ULC days, providing enough fats with a good moderate amount of protein, so myabe no less than .75g-1g/BW for fats, and .8g-1g/ for protein. Definitely go higher with fats, eat fat to lose fat. 3) Yes and no, use more glucose type starches, than fructose contain products.



    you're pretty much in the same boat as me, i plan on competing in September of 2015…..currently sitting at 192-195 12% bodyfat….I backload evey training day with 400-500g and sometimes if im looking hard i will backload on off days….. i train 5 days on 2 days off as well……don't be scared to backload with pretty high numbers, i dont know about you but for me i'm a big volume guy so i need all those carbs……but honestly i dont think you need more than 1g of protein for your bodyweight and fats that just always varies from the type of carbs you will eat but for sure on off days you want to get your bodyweight in fat.



    Thanks guys, so if i get this count macros rather than calories ( so just aim to hit my required PRO/FAT/CHO macros each day and not so much worry if it totals 3200KCals or whatever..) and of course make sure i'm getting enough fats. On my ULC days from what i've planned out my fat intake is about 50% of my daily intake overall, with pro being 45% and CHO being roughly 5%. On CBL days it spreads out to more like CHO 35%, Fats 30% and Pro 35% (not exactly but thats roughly what it looks like). CBL days tend to add a shedload of calories so for example a normal ULC day may be about 3300Cals where as with CBL its about 3750KCals.I'll see how bodyweight goes and if i'm not gaining weight I guess add more fats?

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