I'm doing CNS with my girlfriend and we are determined to do a full 6 months. The problem is I read Carb Backloading after the first 2 months, and now I fell like I'm missing out.I'm doing PL and its hard to feel fatigued two days before next CN.So I am wondering if it is possible to have a little bit of carbs (ex. Overripe bananas) after each training, and still feast come saturday. Any thoughts?
Goal = Lose fatCurrent stats = Too fatBut in all seriousness. I'm 5'6186 lbsAn and estimated body fat of 20% (Rough estimate)Goal is to lower %BF until I like what I see. I'm guessing about 12-15
Goal = Lose fatCurrent stats = Too fatBut in all seriousness. I'm 5'6186 lbsAn and estimated body fat of 20% (Rough estimate)Goal is to lower %BF until I like what I see. I'm guessing about 12-15
With those stats a goals, I'd suggest against.However you could realizticly have 20g or so, pretty much your whole carb load PWO every day.
I'm also referering to the end of the weak. It's not that I'm getting weaker and weaker. I'm just at a stand still PR-wice. And when competing in bench press, it's pretty easy to get impatient with the fat loss, when all you want is to get stronger. But I have to shed some of the fat, because I filled my weight class a bit fast.