Abs workout

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    Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you could give me a killer abdominal workout, please? I have my four lowest abdominal sections pretty defined and the rest of the sections are slightly showing including the “Adonis Belt” or other wise known as the “V-Line”…   Just wondering if any of you could give me a really effective abdominal workout to help me with my progress. It would be insanely appreciated!


    Front squats, L-sit pull-ups and dips, overhead carries, and ab wheel roll-outs


    I had aimed to go for a six-pack, but I decided to set my mind on getting an eight-pack instead!   Why be normal and stick with just a six-pack when you could push yourself a bit harder? Exceed the normal people and be extraordinary! It's totally worth all of the hard work!


    And thanks Trevor! Much appreciated!



    Dragon Flags tear me up. But maybe that's cuz I can't do them worth a damn, ha.


    I had aimed to go for a six-pack, but I decided to set my mind on getting an eight-pack instead!   Why be normal and stick with just a six-pack when you could push yourself a bit harder? Exceed the normal people and be extraordinary! It's totally worth all of the hard work!

    That's purely a genetic thing.



    just add weight to everything you do, the only bodyweight stuff i do is in the case if im doing dropsets which would be the last dropset



    I had aimed to go for a six-pack, but I decided to set my mind on getting an eight-pack instead!   Why be normal and stick with just a six-pack when you could push yourself a bit harder? Exceed the normal people and be extraordinary! It's totally worth all of the hard work!

    That's purely a genetic thing.


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Abs workout

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