Cory would you suggest just adding 1 CBL for this my CN on Saturday and then continue on without the extra CBL for the rest of the month as a "shock"? Would you also suggest that if I am to do a CBL that I would use the 1 gram carbs per my bodyweight?
Sure. Going from Mod-CNS to regular should be just fine. You could go every other week, or randomize it. Keep the body guessing. Just increase your work volume on the weeks you add a mid-week back-load.Just ensure your back-load is devoid of post-workout carbs (to keep fat-burning at full-speed), and you only go for 2-4 hours (2 meals, approx.). Starting with a high-carb, low-fat meal. Save the non-stop feasting for your CN (which is 6-8 hours).Every now and then our bodies need a nice jolt / shock, to wake them out of complacency (and keep them from getting accustomed). This could also mean going from 7-day CN cycles, to 5 or 6 day, every now and then.For the back-load, go no higher than 2g of carb per lb. of LBM, and ensure you workout that day (before-hand), preferably in the evening. Believe me, unless you're a pig like me... 2g x LBM for carb will be difficult for a lot of people to down in 2-4 hours. LOL! You may need to consume some as a dextrose shake.The point is experiment, log it, and note what works for you and what doesn't. Everyone is built differently.Cory
Haha except for Stiffmeister 300-600g in an hour at 155lbs 🙂 That mans a monsterr
I can do over 600g in 30 minutes (carbs)... ea. CN I do this, with candy. LOL!Who's the monster now? 8)Then again, my LBM ~185 lbs.Cory
Piece of piss,im 150 i do 400 within the first hour of backload, if and only if it didnt worry me that excess carbs would gain fat, hell id double that no problem at all