Adrenaline and Kiefer's Programming

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  • #382408

    Colin Roberts

    Hey all,

    Just wanted to have a question (maybe an immature one). Adrenaline levels, or maybe our related ability to tap into it, gets better with either program in part due to the low carb state during the AM and early pm (for me anyways) correct? I think I read that in CBL, and I certainly relate to the energy during training. Even caffeine sensitivity got better with me on days my HRV is good.

    The question is, can this be dulled out temporarily? (aside from a carb night or drug use) My inquiry comes from the massive adrenaline rushes I have experienced when getting my forearms inked haha. Both times I went all woozy and needed sugar.Is this more related to me being a wimp or am I on grounds for some sort of debate?

    Thanks for the read guys, any and all info appreciated.

    A Synapse Trainer

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Adrenaline and Kiefer's Programming

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