Alternative for Floor Press or Close Grip Bench?

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    Howdy,    Today was my first day on Shockwave! Enjoyed it. But I was reminded that I have a problem when I try to do either Floor Press or Close Grip Bench. I have a grade 3 separated shoulder (no more ligament attaching my right scapula to the collar bone). For either of these versions I don't have anything to leverage off of on that side and the shoulder slips under the collar bone, which hurts and just makes it a drag. Anyone have any ideas for alternatives? I can do skull crushers, tricept ropes, things like that...    Tilden


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah just swap a movement you can do that works the same muscle. Overheard extensions can work, etc



    Cool, thanks!



    Have you tried reverse grip bench, meant to be good for injured shoulders


    Martin Tran

    Weighted dips work too.



    Can you do the movement with dumbbells?


    Martin Tran

    Yeah but you won't be able to go as heavy because you'll require more stabilizing muscles in the movement.

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Alternative for Floor Press or Close Grip Bench?

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