IMO, it’s easier to skip/reduce meals in the first part of the day. But if you have a physically demanding job or workout early, this might be more difficult.
I usually have 3 meals per day, but don’t start until 3:00-4:00pm. Before then, I drink 3-4 cups of coffee with a tsp of powdered creamer (1 carb, 10 calories each).
But I’m not actually doing CNS or CBL at this point either (some days are fairly low carb, just not “ultra low carb”).
I’m counting calories, and NOT trying to reach insanely high levels of protein. I aim for 1500-1600 calories and 100g protein daily (maintenance calories seem to be around 2000).
As of today (including several insane cheat days, drinks, and experimentation with calorie levels), I’ve lost 15.2 lbs in 27 days.
On CNS, I lost 30-40 lbs in 8 months.