Anime and such

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    Nice job selling the shit out of that. I'm gonna watch it too, then. Can't wait for my new internet service to be operational, I can..ahem..acquire a ton of anime/tv/movies again.



    The way I describe S;G is a candle attached by fuse to a bundle of TNT. At first, it burns slow and beautifully. Suddenly, the fuse burns past the candle and hits the TNT, which explodes in your face with immense force.Basically, the first half of the series draws you in with witty dialogue and small revelations and suspense. Then episode 12 hits and you basically are not physically able to leave the room for the duration of the series simply because it is delivering one mind-blowing development after another while keeping you guessing as to what will happen next. good.



    Probably the best thing about Revengence is that cutting mechanic. Cutting up a car into 1300 pieces just because fuck, why not? Yeah, that's fun.

    I haven't gotten around to playing that yet. I'm a big MGS fan and I've enjoyed most of Platinum's games so I'm looking forward to it.



    It is a decent game, but it has its flaws. I am not a huge fan of the way the camera is set up. Very Devil-May-Cry-esque, and that never really dd it for me. Recently, I've actually been playing old school Red Alert/Command and Conquer games, along with KOTOR



    It is a decent game, but it has its flaws. I am not a huge fan of the way the camera is set up. Very Devil-May-Cry-esque, and that never really dd it for me. Recently, I've actually been playing old school Red Alert/Command and Conquer games, along with KOTOR

    Yeah I've the camera isn't great. Very few games like that get it right. DMC was notorious for it's awful camera, especially the 2nd game.KOTOR 1 or 2? I've never been into Star Wars but those games do interest me. I might get them in the next Steam sale.Lately I've been playing Skyrim again. I tend to play it for a week and then forget about it. This week has been one of those weeks.I finished off the.Dawnguard DLC last night and started Dragonborn this morning. Pretty good so far.



    That is exactly how I play skyrim, too!KOTOR 1. KOTOR 2 is disappointing not because it is a flawed game, but because its ball-crushingly large potential is so very obvious that the very fact it isn't as polished as it needed to be is infuriating. Still a good game.KOTOR 1 is a classic and basically one of the major progenitors of the Western RPG. Without KOTOR, gaming would not be where it is today, and I definitely recommend playing it.



    That is exactly how I play skyrim, too!KOTOR 1. KOTOR 2 is disappointing not because it is a flawed game, but because its ball-crushingly large potential is so very obvious that the very fact it isn't as polished as it needed to be is infuriating. Still a good game.KOTOR 1 is a classic and basically one of the major progenitors of the Western RPG. Without KOTOR, gaming would not be where it is today, and I definitely recommend playing it.

    I'll certainly look into it. I've got a pretty large backlog of games to get through from all the Steam sales and cheap offers on PS3 games that went on over Christmas.


    I don't know that I've ever played KOTOR2, the first one was incredible though.I need to play more Skyrim, such a great game.Right now pretty much all of my gaming time has gone into Guild Wars 2, between getting into a good guild, getting back into the new content, and getting my girlfriend playing that's all the has my interest game wise.



    The second KOTOR is good (and had the potential to blow the first one away) but it is just glitchy in some cases and unpolished, and it really keeps it down. Skyrim is a lot of fun for me because I make up fucking ridiculous backstories for my characters. Like, I have one Khajiit who I've decided has PTSD because he had to kill people during the Helgan escape, so now he cannot, under any circumstances, kill another sentient being. Unless it is game forced to kill them, he won't. He will either run away or sneak by. Also, dragons just straight up don't exist in this playthrough because I haven't done the quest to get them to spawn. I also have him training his restoration magic so that I can do the imperials/stormcloaks quest....AS A MEDIC! Then I have a nord who went through Helgan and found out he LOVED killing people...with his bare fists. So now, he is not allowed to use ANY weapons or magic besides restoration magic, and must fight with his fists in heavy armor. Pretty badass. Guild Wars 2 is phenomenal. Its dodge system (and the fact that you can literally just move out of the way of attacks) is crazy awesome. And the complete lack of real healers makes everything so interesting



    Surely I'm not the only one that picked up Pokemon X/Y this week?


    Richard Schmitt

    Not yet…


    Surely I'm not the only one that picked up Pokemon X/Y this week?

    If only I had a 3DS.I'm currently playing a completionist run on Kingdom hearts remix.





    Currently watching Hunter x Hunter (2011) and while I typically dislike this kind of anime, this one's very refreshing as it lacks a lot of cliches of the genre and the writing/characters are great. Also playing Alundra, soon starting a game of Suikoden II.


    About SAO. It was pretty damn good until the second part started. From episode 15 forward it was just crap.My favorite animes would have to be (not in any order):Neon Genesis Evangelion - Might be a little weird for some but this anime really captivates you and makes you think. The best part is that it leaves so much to be explained and it makes you watch it multiple times.Runouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen - Sort anime of 4 episodes. But those 4 episodes are just damn good. It tells the story and no bs. Probably the best anime I have ever watched.Berserk - Although the manga is better the anime is done very well and it follows the original work. I have to say this anime/manga is really something. Blood, gore, nudity, demons and an epic story.Death Note - This anime is a great thriller. It's all about choices and sacrifices you have to make in order not get caught with the most powerful weapon to murder people: A notebook which can kill just by writing someone's name in it.Initial D - This anime is the reason I ever got interested in cars. It doesn't require you to be a car enthusiastic but it can make you one. 3D animation is kinda horrible in the first season but in no time you get used to it and you just might be sucked in to this one so hard, it will change your life. 😉You can't go too wrong if you choose to watch something from that list.Right this moment I'm watching Monster. It's been on my have-to-watch list for too long and now I decided it's time.(And btw: Anime should always be watched with the original audio ;))

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Anime and such

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