Any Bodyweight (or wanna be bodyweight) athletes using CNS or CBL

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    Hi All, I may get blasted for this but I can't stand lifting but i love bodyweight training. I was wondering if there was any bodyweight athletes doing either program and what they thought of it while using it.Matt


    Richard Schmitt

    …T_T…For this type of goal, as being discussed with Trevor, CNS will be ok with BW exercises.


    It would work just fine with CNS.After a point, which I'm guessing you've passed, bodyweight training wont be near as effective for CBL.But doing a lot of pull-ups (no kips), Pistol squats, and handstand presses would likely allow you to use CBL to some effect.



    Actually i haven't passed anything yet I suck at pulling exercises. Its the main reason I am doing CNS. I have fat that needs to drop to progress. Its hard to pullup 25-28% bodyfat.  I want to get down to 15% or so and CNS seems to do just that.Matt


    Actually i haven't passed anything yet I suck at pulling exercises. Its the main reason I am doing CNS. I have fat that needs to drop to progress. Its hard to pullup 25-28% bodyfat.  I want to get down to 15% or so and CNS seems to do just that.Matt

    CNS doesn't even need exercise, so doing BW stuff is fine.CNS will be your best bet to lean down and even when you go down if you choose CBL you will have to be much more careful if using BW exercise, even the challenging stuff.



    Yeah man definately work on lots of BW stuff while your heavy, did wonders for my back development trying to pull my prior fat ass up and as I lost weight I just added weight to a belt so I woulsnt lose the strength.Just my 2c and good luck with your goals and CNS!

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Any Bodyweight (or wanna be bodyweight) athletes using CNS or CBL

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