Any nerds up in here?

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    So is anyone here a nerd? I mean, in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, there are plenty of “cool kids,” but I never really fit into that crowd. I have always been a full blown nerd; everything from anime to video games to comics to critical analysis of all three. Once I got into training, I loved it and it seemed an easy integration into my list of things I like (and who says I can't be ripped while at the same time attempting to extrapolate on the psychological profile of Squall from Final Fantasy 8?). However, my fellow ripped nerds seem few and far between, so I thought I would post this here to see if anyone on the DH forums identifies with nerdy guys like me. So post your favorite nerd stuff and hopefully we'll hit it off!


    David Margittai

    Yes. Not so much in regards to video games…but definitely comics and anime (limited anime at the moment, but I intend to grow it). Also definitely love critical analyses of anything and everything (former Communication major/Psychology minor).


    Brandon D Christ

    You're probably in the right place



    Yes. Not so much in regards to video games...but definitely comics and anime (limited anime at the moment, but I intend to grow it). Also definitely love critical analyses of anything and everything (former Communication major/Psychology minor).

    Awesome. What's your anime list look like at the moment? Maybe I could recommend a few good ones.


    David Margittai

    Yes. Not so much in regards to video games...but definitely comics and anime (limited anime at the moment, but I intend to grow it). Also definitely love critical analyses of anything and everything (former Communication major/Psychology minor).

    Awesome. What's your anime list look like at the moment? Maybe I could recommend a few good ones.

    Suggest away! I'm very green in that arena.



    Yes. Not so much in regards to video games...but definitely comics and anime (limited anime at the moment, but I intend to grow it). Also definitely love critical analyses of anything and everything (former Communication major/Psychology minor).

    Awesome. What's your anime list look like at the moment? Maybe I could recommend a few good ones.

    Suggest away! I'm very green in that arena.

    Weeeeeelllp. What kind of genres do you like most?


    David Margittai

    Yes. Not so much in regards to video games...but definitely comics and anime (limited anime at the moment, but I intend to grow it). Also definitely love critical analyses of anything and everything (former Communication major/Psychology minor).

    Awesome. What's your anime list look like at the moment? Maybe I could recommend a few good ones.

    Gotta say I'm pretty open to most things. Think I'd have to put action/adventure near the top since pretty much my all-time favorite anything is Dragonball (Z). I'd also have to say I'm a fan of most fantasy-type stuff, too.Suggest away! I'm very green in that arena.

    Weeeeeelllp. What kind of genres do you like most?



    If you are a thinking man, which you seem to be, I would HIGHLY recommend Eden of the East, which is a wonderful dissertation about the youth culture in Japan. I would also recommend FLCL, which is a great little allegory for adolescence and it tremendously weird and funny. Besides this, there is Fullmetal Alchemist, which is a staple of any good anime diet, and is probably one of the best made animes to date. But make sure to watch the original series from 2003, not Brotherhood. Another great one besides this is Samurai Champloo. All of those are available on Netflix or, if you don't have that, can be found on And that should be enough to get you started.



    Yes. Not so much in regards to video games...but definitely comics and anime (limited anime at the moment, but I intend to grow it). Also definitely love critical analyses of anything and everything (former Communication major/Psychology minor).

    Awesome. What's your anime list look like at the moment? Maybe I could recommend a few good ones.

    Gotta say I'm pretty open to most things. Think I'd have to put action/adventure near the top since pretty much my all-time favorite anything is Dragonball (Z). I'd also have to say I'm a fan of most fantasy-type stuff, too.Suggest away! I'm very green in that arena.

    Weeeeeelllp. What kind of genres do you like most?

    Action/Adventure, eh? Everyone seems to start out liking shonen, heh. Fullmetal Alchemist will probably make you have a nerdgasm, if that's the case. Although don't be scared to try all the genres, as they all hold wonderful hidden gems.


    David Margittai

    Action/Adventure, eh? Everyone seems to start out liking shonen, heh. Fullmetal Alchemist will probably make you have a nerdgasm, if that's the case. Although don't be scared to try all the genres, as they all hold wonderful hidden gems.

    Actually had that suggested to me before and I do plan on getting to it at some point. Haha. Would you suggest watching or reading first? Just out of curiosity. I'll more than likely end up doing both at some point...haha



    What are you talking about? There are loads of hot – sorry, I mean jacked nerds around here. Kiefer, and Martin (of Lean Gains), are prime examples. I am not into video games and comics, but I still consider myself to be a geek 🙂



    Well, I personally like to watch first, but plenty of people like their manga. For FMA, I would say watch first just because the series is so damn good.  Also, if you like DBZ, you NEED to check out the youtube series “Dragonball z abridged.” It's a parody of the series and is side-splittingly funny from beginning to end, especially if you know/love the series itself.


    David Margittai

    Well, I personally like to watch first, but plenty of people like their manga. For FMA, I would say watch first just because the series is so damn good.  Also, if you like DBZ, you NEED to check out the youtube series "Dragonball z abridged." It's a parody of the series and is side-splittingly funny from beginning to end, especially if you know/love the series itself.

    Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to check that out...probably as soon as I get home from work/the gym tonight... 😛



    Oh my lord, so I just watched your Q-tip man video. I….that's just good stuff.


    David Margittai

    Hahahaha! That was something we threw together for a contest in literally a day (minus editing). We used to make stop-motion action figure movies…now those were gems.

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