Any other competitors out there?

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    Robert x Oleary

    Just curiouis if there's any other compeition bodybuilding/physique/figure/or other wise aesthetic athletes in the forums and how their experiences have been. I'm coming into CBL as a NPC Men's Physique Competitor working on some reverse dieting and off-season bulking. I love the program, but would love to hear from anyone else using the same protocols and what's been working/not working for them.





    Robert x Oleary

    I know.. :-(. Well if anyone has BB/MP competition based questions, I guess let me know… Or … Back to the *crickets*Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    We have a few guys, but they don't post much any more. Most of the people that compete in something around here do powerlifting.


    Jenelle Brewer

    Over the summer, when I was not busy homeschooling my kids, and I could relax and train hard in the gym…..  I had dreams of competing in figure.  My (former) trainer has competed quite a bit.  I had people at the gym encouraging me to do it.  I have a couple of online friends who have competed, and I talked with them about it.  But then, reality hit me.  😀  I had to get my priorities back in order, and now I am just a mom again, doing the "I'm Not Doing Jack Shit" 5/3/1 in my garage.  LOL.I admire the determination and drive it takes to do what you do.  But I just don't know if I actually have it in me.  Then I think, "Maybe someday when my kids are all grown......."  Then I think, yeah right.  😉


    Melvin McLain

    I thought ibobland08 competes… no? ???


    Brandon D Christ

    I thought ibobland08 competes... no? ???

    I compete in powerlifting, not a physique sport.


    Melvin McLain

    Ah ok, my bad.Just curious, what was your approx bf% in the avatar pic?


    Brandon D Christ

    Ah ok, my bad.Just curious, what was your approx bf% in the avatar pic?

    10%?  I have no idea I never cared to get it measured.


    Melvin McLain

    Lol, well… whatever it was, you were lookin' good. Don't mean to hijack the thread, but noticing the impressive vee-shape, do you have an opinion on bent-over rows vs pulldowns (if it had to be "either or")?


    Robert x Oleary

    Ah ok, my bad.Just curious, what was your approx bf% in the avatar pic?

    10%?  I have no idea I never cared to get it measured.

    hah, kind of indicative of how much our respective "sports" are more apples and oranges. I truly consider powerlifting a sport, Bodybuilding is different for sure. Both use similar means to reach their intended ends, but go about it very differently. I work towards specific angles, engagements, and contractile focus for purposes of optimal hypertrophy. Ibob optimizes his lifts through mechanical advantage, improvement of strength based on periodization of routine, and our nutrition is generally siginificantly different. One of the reasons that CBL is so interesting to me, in that it's so adaptable. I don't think I could actually be in full prep for it, but it's working incredibly for my "off season bulking". Side note: Ibob's back looks like it's stage ready for sure. Jebus.


    Brandon D Christ

    Lol, well... whatever it was, you were lookin' good. Don't mean to hijack the thread, but noticing the impressive vee-shape, do you have an opinion on bent-over rows vs pulldowns (if it had to be "either or")?

    I'm sorry but I'm not quite sure what you are asking.  Are you asking if I attribute the V-Shaped torso to pulldowns or rows?I don't think you can attribute that a specific exercise or muscle.  I think it's just the result of overall muscular development.


    Melvin McLain

    Ah ok, sorry for being too vague.There's a common belief that pulldowns/pullups are best for working lats to achieve the v-shape, though some studies (using ECG to measure response at the muscles) indicate that seated rows may be slightly better.I currently have nothing set up to do seated rows or pulldowns at home (and can't begin to do pullups at my weight), so bilateral bent-over rows are my exercise for the back at this time.My question is whether you would recommend the bilateral bent-over rows or pullups (assuming I'd have to choose only one)._


    Robert x Oleary

    Ah ok, sorry for being too vague.There's a common belief that pulldowns/pullups are best for working lats to achieve the v-shape, though some studies (using ECG to measure response at the muscles) indicate that seated rows may be slightly better.I currently have nothing set up to do seated rows or pulldowns at home (and can't begin to do pullups at my weight), so bilateral bent-over rows are my exercise for the back at this time.My question is whether you would recommend the bilateral bent-over rows or pullups (assuming I'd have to choose only one)._

    FWIW: My first coach put me on a regimen of 50 as wide as possible pull ups to build my V Taper in addition to regular pull downs at widest possible grip and Wide Grip Bent over BB Rows. My second coach put me on a regmin of leaning pull ups and leaning pulldowns at shoulder width grip and Narrow parallel grip, Bent over BB Rows and DB Rows, and Low Cable Pulls at shoulder width grip in narrow parallel grip twice a week do build depth to my back.d1d17174d6ca9525383eae75cfd58598.jpg


    Brandon D Christ

    Ah ok, sorry for being too vague.There's a common belief that pulldowns/pullups are best for working lats to achieve the v-shape, though some studies (using ECG to measure response at the muscles) indicate that seated rows may be slightly better.I currently have nothing set up to do seated rows or pulldowns at home (and can't begin to do pullups at my weight), so bilateral bent-over rows are my exercise for the back at this time.My question is whether you would recommend the bilateral bent-over rows or pullups (assuming I'd have to choose only one)._

    Like I said, I think you just need to do build up your upper body and lean out. 

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