Anyone actually put on weight?

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    HiJust wanted to gauge something, as some of you know I compete and did a huge drop from 213 to 170 in 4 weeks with help CNS and my own little tweaks.Since the competition I have decided to stick with the plan. As usually I blow back out to 213 (lean). So for competition purposes and to reduce the weight drop I do I stayed on CNS and pretty much levelled out at 194.I have noticed however, I have gone to 202 while being on CNS but bf is still around 7%. It just seems to be lean muscle.How hard is it to gain lean muscle on CNS? Going by reports just seems to suggest its very hard too and you would have to switch to CBL.Just wanted thoughts on it. Unless of course I am doing something wrong 🙂



    that's hard question to answer.. in theory it should be harder to gain mass on CNS but depending on the person and how they are eating on CNS and how well their body has adapted to using fats for its main source of energy you could very well put on lean mass running CNS


    joe boulware

    I have been CNS since March gained 5-7 lbs but lost 4'' in belly measurement. I started at 186 lbs. And have lost 4-5% BF. Lift wieghts 2 to 3 times a week and walk . Now I CN every 4 days because sleep issues. I think it's still working.



    Thanks for the awesome replies guys. Finally got my CN down. So putting on lean muscle on CNS is a pretty individual thing?



    Thanks for the awesome replies guys. Finally got my CN down. So putting on lean muscle on CNS is a pretty individual thing?

    anyone should be able to put on lean mass doing CNS type eating.. just how they do that can vary a lot from person to person..



    I've actually put on 25 more pounds since I started CNS back in October 2012. I haven't changed my belt size and my lifts are double than what they used to be.



    I've actually put on 25 more pounds since I started CNS back in October 2012. I haven't changed my belt size and my lifts are double than what they used to be.

    awesome job!:)



    Thanks! My family members still do complain that I still have excess belly fat since I started the diet.. but they also did notice my rapid muscle growth.I never really posted my day to day9am - noon I do coffee with coconut oil.. (2 cups) and 2 pills of fish oilNoon - lunch, I eat almost a pound of meatNoon to 5pm - munch on veggies5am to 9pm I snack on beef jerky or bacon jerkydecafe coffee with coconut oil9 pm I work out11pm I eat grilled chicken with cooked veggiesThis schedule does seem the most convenient for me since I have a very very busy scheduleI also drink 2 gallons of water a day

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Anyone actually put on weight?

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