Anyone Else Forgetting Words?

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    I seem to be forgetting words lately. Wanting to use a word and then not being able to find it. I also noticed Kiefer doing this on podcasts quite a bit… Could it be something to do with running on ketones?Anyone else experiencing this? And speculation on why?



    I don't think so… I've been doing SKD (strict ketogenic diet) for over 6 months before CNS and have not experienced anything unusual. It happens to me too from time to time, but that's mainly because I'm using 3 different languages on daily basis.



    That's very cool 🙂



    I seem to be forgetting words lately. Wanting to use a word and then not being able to find it. I also noticed Kiefer doing this on podcasts quite a bit... Could it be something to do with running on ketones?Anyone else experiencing this? And speculation on why?

    Fairy I was doing this yesterday big time, hence my miss week back load.  I also couldn't remember the day of the week and was seriously stumpedSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2



    Wow… I really wonder if there's anything to it…


    Lesli Bortz




    I seem to be forgetting words lately. Wanting to use a word and then not being able to find it. I also noticed Kiefer doing this on podcasts quite a bit... Could it be something to do with running on ketones?Anyone else experiencing this? And speculation on why?

    Since I went Paleo and now CNS I've noticed that I can think quicker with clarity but at times I'm at a loss to remember why I went in the bedroom and as you mentioned as well, but for me it could be that I'm getting older.Also, as I went Paleo and thus mostly in ketosis I have noticed my fore head starting to show more or I was going bald anyway but ketosis sped up the process.But the better brain function could also be the fact that I'm not eating inflammatory anti-nutrients any longer.


    Marty P Koch

    I've been experiencing this since beginning diPasquale's Anabolic Solution for BB (CKD) prior to embarking on CNS… Now that you mention it, I will monitor to see if it seems to get worse further out from refeeds and if it fixes after CN.



    I've done that once or twice.  I notice it mostly when typing where I'll completely screw up the word I was thinking….like there was a disconnect between my brain and hands.  But other times I feel sharper than I have in a long time.



    I used to do it alot when I was strickly ULC for 2 years. Since starting CBL in September I don't notice it.RB


    Richard Schmitt

    I'm not forgetting words exactly, but forgetting things to do. For instance, I'll make sure to go do something right then, but go to the room and forget what I was in there to do.


    Lesli Bortz

    That's just my everyday life…




    LOL I see what you did there! (;



    That's just my everyday life...

    Be interesting to see if it is more common in women than men.RB


    Lesli Bortz


    LOL I see what you did there! (;

    Thank you  😉

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Anyone Else Forgetting Words?

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