Anyone else train in silence?

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    Robert Gray

    I'm curious to know if anyone else trains without music.  It's almost impossible to train in total silence when every gym is tuned in to the “All Overplayed, All the Time” station on the radio or Pandora, but for some reason I get much more in tune with what I'm doing when I leave mp3 player behind and go in with empty pockets.And, every now and again, the overhead music stops, the staff forgets to restart it, and for a while the only sound is metal clanking on the floor.  Then its really awesome.


    Richard Schmitt

    If my gym didn't have the radio going I would but they play crap so I have to use a mp3 player



    Sometimes I do. I do like it especially if I'm going for a big lift



    I've never trained in silence but I have tried training with the soundtrack to Drive on.Since it's mostly instrumentals, it allowed me to really concentrate on what I was doing and I took my time with each set.



    I've never trained in silence but I have tried training with the soundtrack to Drive on.Since it's mostly instrumentals, it allowed me to really concentrate on what I was doing and I took my time with each set.

    I train at home to whatever I want to watch or listen to..  Hardly ever silence, more like: podcasts, documentaries, music, lectures...


    Brandon D Christ

    I rarely train with an Mp3 player these days.  I now talk to people, there is so much knowledge in my gym that it's good for me to listen.



    I rarely train with an Mp3 player these days.  I now talk to people, there is so much knowledge in my gym that it's good for me to listen.

    You're "that guy"...    😉



    House, Trap, Dubstep,and Classic Rock (Especially Led Zeppelin)


    Brandon D Christ

    I rarely train with an Mp3 player these days.  I now talk to people, there is so much knowledge in my gym that it's good for me to listen.

    You're "that guy"...    😉

    If I lifted in a normal gym I would agree, but I lift in a place that is full of competitive powerlifters and bodybuilders so most people don't train with mp3 players (nobody serious at least) anyways.  We all share training techniques and stories, so it's much better than staring at the wall in between sets.  It is a public gym, but it had the atmosphere of a private gym.



    I rarely train with an Mp3 player these days.  I now talk to people, there is so much knowledge in my gym that it's good for me to listen.

    You're "that guy"...    😉

    If I lifted in a normal gym I would agree, but I lift in a place that is full of competitive powerlifters and bodybuilders so most people don't train with mp3 players (nobody serious at least) anyways.  We all share training techniques and stories, so it's much better than staring at the wall in between sets.  It is a public gym, but it had the atmosphere of a private gym.

    I'd like to train at a gym like that...


    Brandon D Christ

    I rarely train with an Mp3 player these days.  I now talk to people, there is so much knowledge in my gym that it's good for me to listen.

    You're "that guy"...    😉

    If I lifted in a normal gym I would agree, but I lift in a place that is full of competitive powerlifters and bodybuilders so most people don't train with mp3 players (nobody serious at least) anyways.  We all share training techniques and stories, so it's much better than staring at the wall in between sets.  It is a public gym, but it had the atmosphere of a private gym.

    I'd like to train at a gym like that...

    It's a very good gym.  You should check out the General Gym Admirations thread.  I go into more detail.



    I will admit, Im a loner when I go to the gym. I like to lift hard, pump hard music (mainly with mp3 player) and be left the F alone! I dont do much without tunes though. Im the guy that has the tunes or some kind of background noise going all the time, in my heavy equipment, while I ride my KTM, when Im working on something in my shop, hell even when I vacuum the living room. Silence gets me thinking, and thats dangerous haha.



    I have and your a lucky man to be able to train with guys like that. I need to go around and get some week passes at the local gyms and check out the scene.


    Lesli Bortz

    Mp3 only…I've forgotten it and actually driven home to get it. I do have noise canceling headphones though – they are PRICELESS. Even if the music isn't playing I can't hear anything. Beautiful.



    I workout harder when I have my mp3, but I can do either.

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Anyone else train in silence?

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